School this fall?

by StinkyPantz 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • hillary_step


    Well done! It is always a delight to see an exited JW moving foward with their lives. I will write you in my will as the person who is to do my forensic autopsy, you may keep my head in a fridge if you like and at this stage you can use my liver as a paper-weight.

    CSI? Is that the programme with that know-it-all, super-cool, scary red haired fellow and his sqeaky voiced blonde side-kick who obviously spends hours staring at herself in her mirror? If it is, I hate it. If not, my apologies for the mistake.

    Best regards - HS

  • brwneyedgrl1

    Im a sophomore nursing major. This semester Im taking:

    • Principles of Adult Care II
    • Nursing Communications
    • Christian Healthcare Ethics
    • Professional Computer Apps
    • College Algebra
  • simplesally

    Hillary..........that is CSI Miami. I don't care for that show at all. I like the original one..........CSI, it takes place in Las Vegas. Great show and waiting to see CSI - New York.

  • StinkyPantz


    Good luck to ya! I also start school on August 23rd.

    RNs are in such high demand too; smart choice career-wise.


    Well it was a well deserved compliment.

    Sorry about you domain being taken away.. I was gonna ask you for a link.. the bastards!!


    School teachers I rank up there with the noblest of professions. Good luck to you too!

    Franky J-

    Thanks for your comment. I plan on having fun while progressing through my education. I LOVE school. It's been torture not going for the past year.


    History major?


    Mechanical engineering.. wow. I'll be taking Calc next semester.. not looking forward to it.


    I will gladly cut you to pieces when the time comes .

    The CSI you mentioned IS annoying , I've only watched it once. The one based out of Las Vegas is an excellent show though; and the NY one looks good.


    Another nursing major. You'll have an easy time getting a job when you are all done as well. Good luck, btw.



  • Carmel

    Thank God I don't have to worry about going "back" any more! I think it's great that so many XJUUs are doing it! So much to learn, so many options... If I were in that boat though, I'd be butt deep in genetics. Love it! the future in medicine and lots of other diciplins will be based on molecular genetics...

    Go Pantz!


  • Badger

    SP: No...History Teacher...

  • SheilaM

    My daughter, son, Thunder and myself are all in school.

    Mel is majoring in Arabic this weekShe changes majors like clothes.

    Ant is going for his teaching and will have online classes while in the military.

    Thunder is majoring in Biomedical Informatics (IT medical) He has two classes Critical thinking and Sociology

    I have 17 credit hours HistoryII (from Depression to today)

    Botany (is 5 credits)

    English 101

    Career Dev (online) I'm taking this cause I just adore the Proffessor LOL

    Photography II

    Most of these are classes I was taking last fall, I dropped them when my Mother died

  • frenchbabyface

    Good studies/luck to all of you !!!

  • Billygoat

    Aww man. I wish I could afford to go to school. I always loved that feeling of a fresh start every year and the possibility of learning new stuff. *sigh* One of these days...

  • Sweetp0985

    I'm taking 16 hrs at LSU.

    I'm going to be an Accounting Major but this is my first year in college so my first semester looks like a high school schedule....

    Math, English, ISDS(whatever da hell that is), Spanish, and Biology..

    I had to come back and add this tidbit for Billygoat..never give up hope...I've been out of school for almost 10 yrs and this is gonna be my first year in college.. I almost gave up hope trying to go..but I'm finally living part of my dream...So never give up and you'll be able to go one day....

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