What is WT position on Hermaphrodites?
by badboy 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The only thing I could find on the 2003 CD was:
*** g74 6/8 p. 29 Watching the World ***
The Transsexual Phenomenon
A hermaphrodite is an unfortunate person whose sex is ambiguous by birth; a transsexual, on the other hand, is one who, for "psychiatric" reasons, decides to undergo surgery and be physically changed from one sex to another.I don't recall the numbers, but hermaphroditism is much more common than I had imagined.
I also recall that at one time the WTS apparently suggested (I don't have a reference to hand) that Adam originally had both sexes, and that God "outted" the female component "Eve" from him.
Yes it does badboy, a Hermaphrodite comprising of any combinations of both male and female sex organs would be told exactly what I said as told to me by an small minded elder.
Isn't it strange .. alot of people don't realise that we are all without gender until our sexual organs decide to be on he inside or outside
I wonder what it would be like to have sex with yourself ?!
I wonder what it would be like to have sex with yourself ?!
Lol...I could ask several of the elders that I've told to 'go f--- yourself'....maybe they could tell you. They should have had a clear view, too, what with having their head up their asses and all - it should have given them the PERFECT view.....