the Mormons are in my neighborhood on Long Island as well....I see them every morning holding up signs on the highway about "read you Bible".
They seem like nice, conservative young men---the kind you would like your daughter to bring home ( or not!) . At least they look that way on the exterior.
good call, boy; about thinking that they must have parrallel lives to yours; I thought that their young manhood was being spent much as mine had been; namely in the "service of God"--and I use these quotes very sarcastically.
As a middle aged adult; I can look back at my childhood years, teenage years and early 20s, spent as a full time pioneer ( not dissimilar to these young Mormon men) and think :
what a waste of life; a waste of undiscovered laughter; young adulthood; a waste of energy ; a waste of opportunity .
There have been worse things done in the name of "GOD"; but wasting ones life has got to be one of the worst.