I Could Care Less.

by Englishman 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    No no no!

    The correct expression is I couldn't care less.

    The idea is that you are trying to inpart total disinterest in what your opponent is trying to say. So, you are so disinterested that you say I couldn't care less! It's impossible for me to care any less because I'm already at maximum non caring. In other words, nothing you can say will make one iota of difference.

    If you say that you could care less, you've admitted to your opponent that they have the power to still affect you. You can still be manouvered into caring less than you do now.

    Englishman, on one.

  • StinkyPantz

    OMG Eman, that has always bothered me!! Thank you .

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    we Americans have our own colloquial expressions....

    And we on Long Island our own jargon....

    thank you, Mike, for the "official" British rendition of meaning.

  • patio34

    Ha, Mike, I came onto this thread because

    1. To see what was bothering you.
    2. To see how much it had to bother you until you couldn't care less, lol.



  • Simon

    Yes, that bothers me too ... although I've always managed to hold of shaking someone violently while screaming "listen to what you are saying!!" in their face.

  • Mulan

    Dave always says "Try to imagine how little I care"

    Always gets a chuckle.

  • AlanF

    The battle for correct English has long been lost on this one, Eman.


  • Leolaia

    Unscientific survey:

    "I couldn't care less" results in 52,100 Google hits.

    "I could care less" results in 76,000 Google hits.

    So looks like the "incorrect" form is the most popular form on the Net. And here is an article I found on both expressions:


  • StinkyPantz

    I put this up there with "your welcome".. it's: YOU'RE welcome..

  • Leolaia

    SticktPants.... Or how about ppl who write, "I could of done it".

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