Greetings Everyone,
Do we,can we,make time for ourselves?
Many of us exiting the WTS were limited and restricted regarding our free time/vacation activities.Most activities didn't meet with WTS approval for various 'reasons'. "Worldly associations,is it 'wholesome'?(meaning wts approved,and I HATE that word now lol)being a few.
In fact many of used that time to aux pioneer. Attending conventions was the only real highlight. Our lives and free time were
planned around these events.Worse yet,we used our vacation time to tour bethel(yes it was fun and recreational to visit a book factory,major eyeroll here lol)
With our 'exit' we can now rediscover our world fully and without guilt.
Relaxation,making time for ourselves can be put under the rubric"taking care of ourselves'.
It is necessary to make this time to recoup our energies and refresh our outlook on life. It is a sorely needed counterpoint to our busy and hectic lives.
Recreation can be individual,active,or a group activity. Essentially anything that engages us wholly,is the characteristic of recreation.
When we make this time we live in the present and can neither worry about the future or relive yesterday.
So,what activities have you rediscovered? What 'fun' activity have you always wanted to engage in but felt restricted in the past?
What vacation,downtime experiences can you share that renewed you?
Warm regards to all,Tina