The newest article on infertility

by DaCheech 20 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • DaCheech

    Hey out there, back in the days when my wife and I was trying to have kids, we were worried and it took 1 1/2 years to conceive.

    This latest WT or awake, (since right now I'm pissed): does nothing but bring out negative sides to every issue of fertility (or adoption) possibilities!

    I'm mad as heck!

  • Robdar
    This latest WT or awake, (since right now I'm pissed): does nothing but bring out negative sides to every issue of fertility (or adoption) possibilities!

    Well, of course it does. How dare the flock think of having babies when there are WTs to be placed?

    Seems to me that the WTS is being short sighted. I mean, what better way to gain new members? Just ask the Catholics.

  • DaCheech

    They also quoted the catholics viewpoint in the article!

    Hypocrites! pick & choose negative info to please their $$#@$%

  • Iforget

    My mother just offered me the latest copy of that. I just went thru my 4th IVF and numerous IUI's. For those of us with infertility issues...WTFE. I told her I didn't need nor did I want it. They have no idea what they are pontificating on. I have the most up to date docs and a state of the art facility. I then pulled up my shirt and my sleeves to show her the bruises and needle marks on my belly and arms. It's no walk in the park and an "article" on it when things in this field change DAILY is offensive. 2 years 5 shots a day and countless sonograms and doctors that spend their every waking EDUCATED lives working on this..and they want to tell me what they think!!!

    There is nothing in there but useless mumbo jumbo and I told her as much. Sorry to be so hormonal but the last IVF failed again so I am a little on the touchy side when it comes to this. Unless you have even dipped your little toe into my shoes...get out of the way.

    Peace out....also that is why I use the name Iforget. The drugs affect your cognitive memory. Reaching for words that you know but just can't quite remember.

  • DaCheech


    I'm tearing right now. My wife luckily (stressed) did not need all that. But, these issues are real to me since they could have been me!

    Writing articles like this does not help when they are negative in every word they say.

    I still remember my father-in-law saying when asked about sperm donation stance ("It's adultery!")

    Luckily I have 2 wonderful children, but I have to ask myself (..... When do I break them out of this? ...... I think I'm going to discourage Theocratic ministry school....)

    I'll say it many times, these guys in Brooklyn have no idea! There are people that say "it does not matter how much money it takes...... can I please have treatment to have my own baby!"


    P.S. hopefully my wife will wake up, I stressed out "read this garbage"..... I think she forgot the stress and agony of thinking that she might not get pregnant!

  • Iforget

    Well I am trying very hard to keep a good attitude thru it all. I didn't actually read the article so I can't comment on if it was negative or not. Do you have a link to it?

    Infertility is a very very sensitive subject. Sperm donation is not needed in our's an egg issue. However we are considering egg donor. Wonder what their stance is on that.

    Hubby was raised Catholic so has no issues with it. He thinks JW's are and I quote "weird".

  • DaCheech

    Egg donation is also a no-no. I have no link to the article, Does anybody else?

    Like I said, I'm trying to make my wife read and smell the coffee

  • Iforget

    That is sister who is active offered me her eggs. Doubt she knows the society stance on it. I have yet to read anything in regards to that.

  • Freya

    This is from Awake 3/8/93 pg 26

    The Bible’s view may be found at Leviticus 18:20, which says: "You must not give your emission as semen to the wife of your associate to become unclean by it." There is no Biblical basis for making a distinction between insemination by intercourse and insemination artificially by donor implantation. Therefore, in either case, fornication or adultery is committed when insemination is accomplished by a male other than the woman’s legal husband.

    What about gestational surrogacy? This too defiles the marriage bed. True, the fertilized egg would be a union of the husband and his wife, but it is thereafter placed in the womb of another woman and, in fact, makes her pregnant. This pregnancy is not the result of sexual relations between the surrogate woman and her own husband. Thus, her reproductive organs are now being used by someone other than her own mate. This is inconsistent with the Bible’s moral principles that a woman bear a child for her own husband. (Compare Deuteronomy 23:2.) It would not be proper for a man other than the surrogate’s own husband to make use of her reproductive organs. It is an improper use of the marriage bed. Thus, surrogate motherhood is not for Christians.

    I wonder if anyone has ever been DF for adultery for having fertility treatments.

  • TallTexan
    When do I break them out of this? ...... I think I'm going to discourage Theocratic ministry school....)

    Um, 1) As soon as possible, and 2) discourage EVERYTHING about the WTS

    Where the HELL do they get off talking about having kids in any way shape or form? None of the GB idiots even HAVE children, so how the F--- do they have ANY clue about the desires of 'normal' people when it comes to having and rearing children. They have NO CLUE!!! MORONS!!! (Can y'all tell I just quit Pay absolutely NO attention to them or their stupid, illogical, slow-witted, clueless magazines/articles/books/views/opinions.

    It's similar to their espousing views on contraception. My cousin and his wife had two kids they could just barely afford and she would not get her tubes tied (or him a vasectomy) because of one or two 'opinions' in some of the older magazines stating that those procedures were 'questionable'. Where the F--- in the Bible does it talk about such things???? Oh wait - it DOESN'T! Now they have a 3rd child whose been sickly and a handful when they would have been perfectly happy w/ just having two.

    So, again, we see the double standard. On one hand, if you want to have ONE child, you can't have any type of artifical assistance because it's not the 'right time' to be having chi'ren's. But IF you happen to be OVERLY FERTILE, you can't have anything done to fix it. HUH?????? Idiots.

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