Strange Bar Snacks

by Mac 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stefanie

    Cool, cuz one time i bought a long island ice tea and it was 6.50!!

    I couldnt afford 12 of those!

  • Redneck

    DanO always helps to stop at a greasy spoon after a nite out...makes the next morning bearable..

    I dont go out that often one of them thar socail drinkers..

    DanO....ya switch that bud over to coors light or sumthing and Teq and ya got yaself a drinking partner...

  • Redneck

    Stef Ya drink 12 of those and can walk out ..I'd buyem just to see that... I had 5 the other week and was just a weeee bit toasted..they were on specail though...$3.50...

  • Dan-O
    coors light

    Blecch. Piss water.

    But you're right about the food. Gotta do a White Castle run around 2 AM. Get a bag of Sliders.

  • Stefanie

    No could only handle 3 and 2 coke and jacks and had to be carried out....

    Whats the scoop on the grease? Does it help with the next day stomach cramps??

  • hillbilly
  • Dan-O

    Actually, greasy food before you drink helpset the alcohol.

    Otherwise, a big greasy cheeseburger & a milkshake AFTER drinking coats the stomach & brings things back into line. Head for Steak N Shake after the bar closes.

  • Mac
    ----------->OK should I tell them now or later I don't go to bars ......

    Just fake it, Sheila... this is the internet ya can tell them later! (or if you prefer you can stay outside in the car and we'll run some goodies out to Stef..yer right, the pork rinds have no carbs... you can make a great 0-carb coating for fried chicken with them that even grease luvin' Dan would enjoy with some hot sauce and a beer! This isn't an unusual bar snack but I once went into a place that had baskets of Roasted Peanuts and everyone would just toss the shells on the floor till it was waist deep (well my waist... lol) I thought that was kinda quaint but sure wouldn't recommend this practice with Rednecks discarded knuckles!!!!!!! mac

  • Dan-O

    baskets of Roasted Peanuts

    Dude ... those baskets of roasted peanuts? Sure, they're fun to eat after you've umpteen drinks. But those things will give you the shits in the morning.

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