Comments You Will Not Hear at the August 15, 2004 WT Study (July 1, 2004 issue date) ABBREVIATED Review comments will be in black and parentheses ()
WT quotes
will be in red and quotes ""Quotes from other sources
"Go therefore and make disciples?teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you."?Matthew 28:19,20?NWT (snippet)
Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded YOU. And, look! I am with YOU all the days until the conclusion of the system of things." MATTHEW 28:19-20 NWT full scripture (left out part in red)
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." ?Matthew 28:19,20 (NIV) /cgi-bin/bibleOpening Comments
It?s been another busy week, the third week of my new job and Irreverent had an operation. It went well and explained and corrected some other problems he has had over the past few years. His heart held up well to the surgery. He is home resting and I haven?t had much time to work on this. I will try to hit some highlights.
This article shows concern about the drop in people going out in the ministry and the drop in hours. The WTS thinks the problem and solution lies in
- JWs are not teaching others to go in field service
- JWs are not setting a good example by going in field service
- JWs are not treating those JWs who have "slowed down or stopped" very nicely. Terms used to describe these JWs are "temporarily weakened," "spiritually weak," "weaker ones," "weaker Christians."
Paragraphs 1,2
Ethiopian eunuch (Acts 28:26-39)
Already sincere student of Scripture and "evidently" he also loved God?s inspired Word .
He said: ?How could I, unless someone guided me.? (italics WTS)Yes, he needed a guide, someone to lead the way for him "Teaching Them to Observe All the Things"Paragraphs 3-6
What must be teach to help others to become disciples of Christ (really JWs)?Teach the things that Christ commanded.**A reference work (not named and I could not find on Google?why did the WTS not cite the source?) points out that Jesus said, "baptizing them?teaching them," not ?baptizing them and teaching them.? Hence, the command to baptize and to teach are "not strictly?two successive acts." Rather "teaching is a continuous process, which partly precedes baptism?and partly follows baptism."Teach them to observe all the things I have commanded you. (Matthew 19:17) (italics WTS)Illustration: The instructor may teach his students the rules of the road in a classroom. However, to each his students how to obey those rules, he has to guide the students as they actually drive in traffic and struggle to put into practice what they have learned.
We also need to guide the students as they endeavor to apply Christ?s instructions (as filtered through the WTS/FDS, the only true channel) in their daily lives and in the ministry.Requires we be both teachers and guides.Helping them to heed the command to make disciples.Unlikely that their former religious teachers every taught them to go and make disciples. Some church leaders frankly admit that when it comes to teaching their flock to evangelize, Christendom?s churches fail utterly.Interestingly, over the last four years we have lived here we have been called on by 2 Lutheran churches, 2 Mormon pairs, one female, and sent flyers by 3 churches in the area inviting us to visit. What did we get from the JWs, a old Wt left under our mat on a rainy day.
I found these sites that indicate that many individual churches and organizations encourage and set up programs for talking to people.
This is not an all inclusive list.
Who is John R.W. Stott?
Bible scholar John R.W. Stott noted: "Our failure to obey the implications of this command is the greatest weakness of evangelical Christians in the field of evangelism today?We tend to proclaim our message from a distance. We sometimes appear like people who shout advice to drowning men from the safety of the seashore. We do not dive in to rescue them. We are afraid of getting wet." When did he say this? At the World Congress on Evangelism in Berlin in 1966, John Stott stated, in a Bible Study on John's version of the Great Commission: By his birth, by his life and his death, God's Son identified himself with us. He did not stay apart from us or aloof from us. He made himself one with us...Now he says to us "As the Father sent me into the world, so send I you." I personally believe that our failure to obey the implications of this command is the greatest weakness of evangelical Christians in the field of evangelism today.
40 years later I wonder if he says the same?
Thus the people JWs study with may be afraid to good door to door?actually JWs of many years are still afraid to go door to door.
Thus, we need to be patient as we give him (and her) the sort of instruction and guidance that deepens his understanding and moves him to action, just as the teachings of Philip enlightened the Ethiopian and motivated him to get baptized.So how much time did Philip spend teaching the Ethiopian? One day?.
Our desire to teach Bible students to observe the command to make disciples moves us to be at their side to guide them?Where does it say the Ethiopian was trained in the ministry and spent any time in it with Philip?
"All the Things"Paragraphs 7-9
"observe all the things"?certainly includes the two greatest commands?to love God and to love neighbor. (italics WTS) Learning not only by listening to his instructor by also by observing other drivers? Courteously dims his car?s headlights Willing assistance to an acquaintance (not a stranger???) whose vehicle has broke down Learns not only from his teacher but also from the fine examples that he sees in the congregation.May observe a single parent who puts forth great effort to come to the Kingdom Hall with her two small children in tow.Yes, as she takes them back to the restroom to apply some discipline to their bottoms with a spoon or her hand as their cries ring out in the hall.
See a downhearted soul who faithfully comes to meetings despite her (not his) struggle with depressionAs the JW who studies with them steers them away from an obvious discouraging, weak JW.
An elderly widow who drives other older ones to each congregation meetingAs the JW who studies with them warns them never to ride with Sister Had a Few Accidents.
A teenager who shares in cleaning the Kingdom HallBecause his father makes him stay with the rest of the family and clean because he wants to be considered for "privileges" and he won?t be able to watch the game at home if he doesn?t.
Meet a Witness who is disabled and housebound but who is a source of spritiual encouragement to all who visit him (or her.)Yes, because now the JWs can count their time when they visit because an unbaptized person is with them.
Observe a couple who are making drastic adjustments in their lives in order to serve as caregivers to their elderly (JW) parents.The last 3 sets of COs in this area, left the work to take care of parents. Evidently, the congregations where their parents lived were not supportive enough.
w98 8/1 p. 29 Highly Esteeming Privileges of Sacred Service/Supportive CongregationsSome congregations have been very helpful in caring for the aging parents of those in special full-time service. They especially appreciate those who have devoted many years to such service. While they cannot relieve them of their Scriptural responsibilities, these congregations do much to make the load light enough so that it may not be necessary for the children to leave their special assignments. "Until the Conclusion of the System of Things"Paragraphs 10,11
Until when should we continue with disciple making? (italics WTS) To find those who are "rightly disposed for everlasting life." (the carrot for nonJWs) Presently, Jehovah?s Witnesses spend an average of more than 3 million hours each day of the year in Kingdom-preaching and disciple making activity worldwide.About ½ hour daily, on an average. Do you trust the statistical validity of averages?
It saddens us, however to notice that some of our fellow believers have grown spiritually weak, and as a result have slowed down or stopped carrying out Christ?s command to make disciples (or at least no longer turn in their time slips, eh?).Is there any way we can help them to renew their association wth the congregation and resume their share in making disciples? The manner in which Jesus helped his apostles when they were temporarily in a weak condition indicates what we may do today. (and aren?t doing evidently) Show ConcernParagraphs 12-16
The apostles "abandoned him and fled." How did Jesus deal with his spiritually weakened companions? Although the apostles had shown serious weaknesses, Jesus still called them "my brothers." He had not given up on them.Do the JWs you know still view you as JWs, brothers, sisters?
Have they given up on you? How have they show that they no longer view you as a member and given up on you?
In my case, they no longer call, there are no cards. It is as if you died.
Are you treated as if you are DF?d although you are only inactive? Are you told you are the antichrist or apostate because you no longer attend meetings?
Evidently this article last year is not being applied.
w03 2/1 p. 14 "Have Love Among Yourselves"Hence, God?s Word directs us to extend our love to those who are spiritually weak and who may have lost contact with the Christian congregation. Such individuals may be spiritually weak, yet they are not necessarily rebellious. Despite their weakened state, to some extent they may still be keeping Jehovah?s requirements. We view a spiritually weak individual as a lost sheep?not a lost cause. We do not reason: ?Why worry about a weak one? The congregation is getting along just fine without him.?We should have deep concern for thos who slowed down or stopped sharing in the ministry. We still remember the works of love that those fellow believers performed in the past?some perhaps for decades. We truly miss their companionship. How, though, may we express our concern for them?????hahahahah
Jesus invited them to a special meeting. (Matthew 28:10) Similarly today, we encourage those who are spiritually weak to attend the meetings of the Christian congregation, and we may need to encourage them more than once to do so.What joy we feel when weaker ones similarly respond to our warm invitations and resume attending Christian meetings.So that is all it takes folks to make a person better spiritually?.
How will we react when a weaker Christian arrives at the Kingdom Hall?Well, it?s about time you showed up!!!
Any other experiences?
His apostles?temporarily weakenedJesus approached and spoke to them. (Matthew 28:18) He did not stare at them from a distance but he went up to them.This means that a lot of JWs stare at a distance when "weak" ones come to the KH.
Jesus took the initiative.Many JWs feel that the "weak" one should make the first move.
Warmly welcome spiritually weak ones who make the effort to return to the Christian congregation.He (Jesus) did not rebuke the disciples for their failures and doubts. By following Jesus? example of how to view and how to treat weaker ones, we may see similar heartwarming results in our local congregation.* *The Watchtower of February 1, 2003, pages 15-18. (see at end of review)"I Am With You All the Days"Paragraphs 17-19
Whatever opposition enemies may bring against our Kingdom-preaching work and whatever forms of slander they may unleash against us, we have no reason to fear? with us to support us!An allusion to the UN-NGO association, blood fractions, child sexual abuse,..
Reasons not to slow down according to the WTS
Death of a dear one
Coping with old age
Severe economic hardship
Concluding CommentsSo will you have a surge of calls from those "loved" ones you left behind at the KH?
Don?t hold your breath.
Have a good weekend! Thinking of you in Florida.
w03 2/1 pp. 15-18 "Have Love Among Yourselves"/Take the Initiative
12 In the first of the two illustrations, Jesus says that the shepherd will "go for the lost one." The shepherd takes the initiative and makes a deliberate effort to find the missing sheep. Hardship, danger, and distance do not hold him back. On the contrary, the shepherd persists "until he finds it."?Luke 15:4.
13 Similarly, reaching out to a person in need of encouragement often requires that the stronger one take the initiative. Faithful men of old understood this. For instance, when Jonathan, King Saul?s son, noticed that his bosom friend David was in need of encouragement, Jonathan "rose up and went to David at Horesh, that he might strengthen his hand in regard to God." (1 Samuel 23:15, 16) Centuries later, when Governor Nehemiah saw that some of his Jewish brothers had grown weak, he too "immediately rose" up and encouraged them ?to keep Jehovah in mind.? (Nehemiah 4:14) We today will also want to ?rise up??take the initiative?to strengthen those who are weak. But who in the congregation should do so?
14 Christian elders, in particular, have the responsibility to "strengthen the weak hands . . . and make the knees that are wobbling firm" and to "say to those who are anxious at heart: ?Be strong. Do not be afraid.?" (Isaiah 35:3, 4; 1 Peter 5:1, 2) Note, however, that Paul?s admonition to "speak consolingly to the depressed souls" and to "support the weak" was not given to elders only. Rather, Paul?s words were directed to the entire "congregation of the Thessalonians." (1 Thessalonians 1:1; 5:14) Reaching out to those who are weak is thus a task for all Christians. Like the shepherd in the illustration, each Christian should be moved to "go for the lost one." Of course, this is done most effectively in cooperation with the elders. Could you take some steps to assist a weak one in your congregation?
Be Gentle15 What does the shepherd do when he finally finds the lost sheep? "He puts it upon his shoulders." (Luke 15:5) What a touching and telling detail! The sheep may have wandered for days and nights through unfamiliar territory, perhaps even being exposed to the threat of stalking lions. (Job 38:39, 40) No doubt the sheep is weakened by a lack of food. It is simply too frail to overcome in its own strength the hurdles it will encounter on the way back to the fold. Therefore, the shepherd bends down, gently lifts up the sheep, and carries it across all obstacles back to the flock. How can we reflect the care shown by this shepherd?
16 A person who has lost contact with the congregation may be exhausted in a spiritual sense. Like the sheep separated from the shepherd, such an individual may have wandered aimlessly through this world?s hostile territory. Without the protection provided by the fold, the Christian congregation, he is exposed more than ever to the attacks of the Devil, who "walks about like a roaring lion, seeking to devour someone." (1 Peter 5:8) Additionally, he is weakened by a lack of spiritual food. Hence, on his own he likely is too weak to overcome the hurdles he will encounter on his journey back to the congregation. Therefore, we need to bend down, so to speak, gently lift up the weak one, and carry him back. (Galatians 6:2) How may we accomplish that?
17 The apostle Paul said: "If anyone is weak, do I not share his weakness?" (2 Corinthians 11:29, The New English Bible; 1 Corinthians 9:22) Paul had empathy for people, including the weak. We want to display similar fellow feeling for those who are weak. When visiting a spiritually weak Christian, reassure him that he is valuable in Jehovah?s eyes and dearly missed by his fellow Witnesses. (1 Thessalonians 2:17) Let him know that they are ready to give him support and are willing to be for him "a brother that is born for when there is distress." (Proverbs 17:17; Psalm 34:18) Our heartfelt expressions may gently and gradually lift him up to the point that he is able to return to the flock. What should we do next? The illustration of the woman and the lost coin gives us guidance.
Be Earnest18 The woman who loses the coin knows that the situation is challenging but not hopeless. Had the coin been dropped in a large, bushy field or in a deep, muddy lake, she probably would have given it up as lost beyond recovery. However, knowing that the coin must be somewhere in her house, within reach, she begins a thorough and earnest search. (Luke 15:8) First, she lights a lamp to brighten her dark house. Then, she sweeps the floor with her broom, hoping to hear a tinkling sound. Finally, she carefully searches every nook and cranny until the lamp catches a glint of a silver coin. The woman?s earnest effort is rewarded!
19 As this detail of the illustration reminds us, the Scriptural obligation to help a weak Christian is not beyond our abilities. At the same time, we realize that it requires effort. After all, the apostle Paul said to the Ephesian elders: "By thus laboring you must assist those who are weak." (Acts 20:35a) Keep in mind that the woman does not find the coin by looking around her house casually, just here and there, or incidentally, just now and then. No, she succeeds because she systematically searches "until she finds it." Likewise, when we endeavor to regain a spiritually weak individual, our approach needs to be earnest and purposeful. What can we do?
20 How can we help a weak one build up faith and appreciation? A personal Bible study in an appropriate Christian publication may be just what is needed. Indeed, conducting a Bible study with a weak individual allows us to assist him in a consistent and thorough way. It is likely that the service overseer could best determine who might provide the needed assistance. He may suggest what subjects could be studied and which publication would be most helpful. Just as the woman in the illustration uses helpful tools to accomplish her task, so today we have tools that help us to accomplish our God-given responsibility to assist those who are weak. Two of our new tools, or publications, will be especially helpful in this endeavor. They are the books Worship the Only True God and Draw Close to Jehovah.
21 Assisting those who are weak brings blessings to all. The one being helped enjoys the happiness of becoming reunited with true friends. We experience the heartfelt joy that only giving can bring. (Luke 15:6, 9; Acts 20:35b) The congregation as a whole grows in warmth as each member takes a loving interest in others. And above all, honor goes to our caring Shepherds, Jehovah and Jesus, as their desire to support the weak is reflected in their earthly servants. (Psalm 72:12-14; Matthew 11:28-30; 1 Corinthians 11:1; Ephesians 5:1) What good reasons we have, therefore, to continue ?having love among ourselves?!