Wow - Scientology is so similar to Jehovah's Witnesses

by Illuminated 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Illuminated

    I recently watched this excellent interview with ex members of Scientology. I was blown with how much former members sound like ex Jehovah's Witnesses. Both organizations are so similar.

    Here's a link to the interview: 

    What do Jehovah's Witnesses as a whole think about Scientology?

  • adjusted knowledge
    adjusted knowledge

    What do Jehovah's Witnesses as a whole think about Scientology?

    Part of Babylon the Great. I don't recall them ever being mentioned in any of their magazines. The Governing Body will not directly attack Islam or Scientology. They won't attack Islam because of fear of violent retaliation. They won't attack Scientology because of Scientology's notorious retaliation. Could you imagine the dirt Scientology would dig up on the JW? Scientology has blacked mail members of the IRS to get their tax status and other illegal activities. No, the Watchtower inc. will stick to the meat and potato attack of Catholicism and other religions that don't care what the Watchtower says or prints.

  • TerryWalstrom

     Scientology is fun--at first. It's all about YOU. But, after the first 3 levels, the clamps of the cult kick in.

    What is similar to JW's is the damage done by oppressive authoritarian control.

    Scientology is way better organized to handle defectors. 

  • campaign of hate
    campaign of hate

    To be brutally honest, i couldn't care less about defectors of the Scientology religion, and i'm sure 99.999% of people who have never had any links to Scientology (or any other cult including JWs) wouldn't really care. People don't care. FACT. People are too busy struggling with their own lives to care about bullsh** religions.

    Defectors from a cult only interest cult members, not to normal members of the society

    Shows how bat sh** crazy the whole thing is.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    Scientology is similar to the JW's because they are both cults.

    Funny you should mention about how the WT won't attack Scientology. I recall one time when I was telling my brother about a documentary about Scientology and he defended Scientology. He said it is like ex dubs talking against the WT. Who are you going to believe a disgruntled ex dub or the WT? He said the same as Scientology, that can you believe ex disgruntled members of what they have to say about Scientology? I was wondering if he got that from WT literature. The thing is the WT Tare so quick to jump on say ex Catholics who speak out against the Catholic church.

  • Simon
    I think they know that if their members look too closely at other cults they may start seeing some similarities with their own. Also, once you leave a cult like that you are less likely to fall for another similar one - Catholics seeking something less mainstream are their main recruiting ground.
  • Illuminated

    In my late teens/early 20's, I was often a magnet for different cults attempting to lure me in. 

    I remember Scientology carts and tables all over Los Angeles at that time. A Scientologist pulled me over and discussed the organization as I was walking by. He handed over the book Dianetics to take home. I remember how fascinating the book was after reading a few chapters and was planning on going to a meeting until a friend informed me it was a cult. 

    Scientology has taken over Hollywood. Their buildings are everywhere. My love was invited to the Celebrity Center once when he was disfellowshipped. He later told me how robotic everyone was and strongly felt it was a cult. Ironic.

    Watching the interview made me feel like I was on this board. 

  • Illuminated
    Simon that's a good point. So in other words, they are intentionally applying mind control cult tactics?
  • Illuminated
    Scientology is fun--at first. It's all about YOU. But, after the first 3 levels, the clamps of the cult kick in.

    Levels--sounds Masonic.

  • problemaddict 2
    problemaddict 2

    I used to work for a Mormon and a Catholic who were both Scientology.  Scientology own a management company that helps you run a small business.  Our office was FULL of Scientology lingo.  Some people even did E meter tests.  Bizarre.

    ST's greatest similarity with JW's is "disconnection".  They "declare you a suppressive person".  They call it a SUP for short.  There is even a tribunal for it.  Its the same thing as disfellowshipping.

    I would HIGHLY recommend a book by a New Yorker staff writer called "Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood, and the prison of belief."  Reading it helped wake up my wife a bit.  its facinating.  JW's even get an honorable mention in the back along with some other religions regarding control etc....Its like a sentence......but still.

    If you only read one book about Scientology.....that is the one.

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