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by Undaunted Danny 80 Replies latest social current

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    Kentucky Lake Times New memorial fund to be launched, honoring ...
    Kentucky Lake Times, KY - 35 minutes ago
    ... will be announced. The vigil will honor the recently murdered Meza children, whose father was active in the Jehovah's Witnesses. ...

    [...New memorial fund to be launched, honoring murdered kids

    Will Help Support Local Sex Abuse Victims Groups ..] Yellow Ribbon
  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    Russian Russian authorities raid meeting of deaf Jehovah's Witnesses!
    ProFindPages.com, Russia - 23 minutes ago
    Even before Moscow placed a ban on the Jehovah's Witnesses activities in the City, there has been pressure on their religious freedom. ... Have something to say?You can post your comments at their:Profind Message Board Our community board: http://www.profindpages.com/cgi-bin/ikonboard/forums.cgi?forum=13

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    SC vigil will honor 3 slain Rock Hill children
    Charlotte Observer (subscription), NC - 3 hours ago
    ... org), a support group for abused children in "religious institutional settings." The Meza family were members of a Rock Hill Jehovah's Witnesses church. ...

    Below:no JW keyword but still relevant legal development.

    An Award of Punitive Damages Against A Religious Institution:
    Findlaw.com, CA - 3 hours ago
    ... When the Catholic Church knowingly and repeatedly placed pedophiles in direct contact with children, it caused devastating harm. ...
  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    Friday Morning Sept. 10, 2004 6:28 est

    Candlelight vigil honors 3 slain Rock Hill children
    Charlotte Observer (subscription), NC - 2 hours ago
    ROCK HILL - A national support group for sexually abused children held a candlelight vigil Thursday to honor three slain children from York County. ...

    SC vigil will honor 3 slain Rock Hill children
    Charlotte Observer (subscription), NC - Sep 9, 2004
    ROCK HILL - A national support group for sexually abused children will hold a candlelight vigil tonight to honor three murdered children from York County. ...
    Vigil to honor slain Rock Hill children
    News 14 Charlotte, NC - Sep 8, 2004
    ROCK HILL, SC ? A national support group for abused children will hold a vigil in York County this week to bring attention to the murders of three South ...
  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    Silent vigil for victims of 'senseless' act
    Rock Hill Herald, SC - 2 hours ago
    ... Thursday night on the front lawn of the Rock Hill National Guard Armory in a vigil sponsored by Silentlambs, a support group for Jehovah's Witnesses who are ...

    Andrew Russell ? The Herald
    Angie Zeledon, 5, cousin to the Meza children, holds a candle during a vigil in memory of the the Meza family at the Rock Hill National Guard Armory on Thursday. Members of a Jehovah's Witness group used the vigil to protest sexual abuse. Below left, the Meza children -- Denia, Denise and Jairo -- are pictured in a memorial poster on display at the vigil.
    Silent vigil for victims of 'senseless' act
    Dozens gather with candles, prayers for Meza children killed before house fire

    By Matt Garfield The Herald
    (Published September 10? 2004)

    With heads bowed and candles lit, they stood in a grassy field to remember three children killed one month ago -- and to rally against the abuse that preceded the children's deaths.

    About 30 people gathered Thursday night on the front lawn of the Rock Hill National Guard Armory in a vigil sponsored by Silentlambs, a support group for Jehovah's Witnesses who are victims of abuse.

    They came to honor the Meza children -- Jayro, 5, Denise, 8, and Denia, 14 -- who were found dead with their throats cut after a fire destroyed their Crestview Drive home Aug. 9.

    Police say the crime was carried out by one of the parents, Jose "Denis" and Marbely Meza, who also died in the blaze. All belonged to a local Jehovah's Witness congregation.

    Authorities say Denia Meza was sexually abused within five days of her death. Her father had been arrested a few weeks before on charges he molested her.

    "We can't change what happened, but, hopefully, people will do a better job of listening to children," said Libby Sweatt-Lambert, executive director of the Children's Attention Home. "This was senseless."

    Bill Bowen, director of Silentlambs, led the group in a moment of silence and invited donations to a scholarship fund to benefit Janet, the 11-year-old daughter of Marbely Meza who lives in Nicaragua, as well as other local aid agencies.

    "We're holding this vigil to find some kind of meaning in why this happened," Bowen told the audience. "These were three little lives that were taken needlessly."

    Relatives of the Meza family stood off to one side, clutching candles as their young children wandered nearby.

    Matt Garfield ? 329-4063

    [email protected]

    Speak Out! Yellow Ribbon

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    Jehovah's Witnesses refuse to assist in family's funeral ...
    Kentucky Lake Times, KY - 19 minutes ago
    ... The Meza family were members of the Rock Hill Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses. The children -- Jayro, 5; Denise, 8; and Denia, 14 -- died Aug. ...

    Candlelight vigil for 3 murdered children

    Jehovah's Witnesses refuse to assist in family's funeral arrangements

    A national support group for sexually abused children held a candlelight vigil Thursday to honor three slain children from York County in South Carolina.

    Several people holding candles participated in a service the National Guard Armory. It was sponsored by silentlambs (silentlambs.org), a support group for abused children in "religious institutional settings."

    The Meza family were members of the Rock Hill Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses. The children -- Jayro, 5; Denise, 8; and Denia, 14 -- died Aug. 9 before a fire engulfed their home. Authorities say they were slain by one of their parents -- Marbely or Jose Denis Meza -- who died in the fire.

    Denis Meza had been arrested three weeks before on charges he molested Denia. York County Coroner Doug McKown said she'd also been raped within five days of her death.

    A national spokesman for the Jehovah's Witnesses organization said that Meza "confessed" to church officials about sexually abusing his little girl.

    According to some of the vigil participants there were no Jehovah's Witnesses present at the memorial service. "It's been very hard for our family to have coped with these deaths. ... I still do not know why their church was not here grieving here with us tonight," said Ariel Zeledon, Marbely Meza's brother.

    Bill Bowen, director of silentlambs and a former member and elder of the cult from Calvert City, Kentucky, attended the vigil and announced the establishment of the Meza Children Memorial Fund.

    "We don't know all the facts yet in the Meza family case -- what church elders knew about Denis Meza's abuse of his daughter and how long it took them to turn that information over to the authorities," said Cindy Fondren who helped organize the vigil. "But we do know there are many documented court cases in which church elders did not turn information about alleged sexual abuse involving church members to DSS or the police."

    The Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses has refused to comment about the Meza family. A nearby Christian church helped arrange the funeral and raise money for the family since no assistance was offered by their Jehovah's Witness organization, according to participants at the vigil.

    On the World Wide Web:

    Dead girl's dad sues Jehovah's Witnesses - man suing the Jehovah's Witnesses, claiming they contributed to his daughter's death by encouraging her to avoid life-saving blood transfusions, said today his lawsuit is for her and for his family...

    Father sues Jehovah's Witnesses, hospital over teen's death - In a statement of claim, Hughes alleges that Bethany's mother and other Jehovah's Witnesses misled his daughter about the merits of blood transfusions...

    Jehovah's Witnesses stay home election day - In this most political of seasons, where small percentages of votes in key states could prove decisive, the Jehovah's Witnesses are staying ...

    Watchtower Bible and Tract Society - Similar to many other cults, Jehovah's Witnesses deny the deity of the Holy Spirit....Since its very inception, the Watchtower has made false prophecies about the end of the world. Predicting the end in one form or another for the years 1914, 1918, 1925, 1975 and 1989 has caused its membership to maintain a steady upward trend...

    Watchtower Society's Occult Association - repeatedly used the writings, of a known spiritist Johannes Greber, as a scholarly support for their beliefs...

    --Article and links submitted.

    Click Here to comment on this story Check Mark

  • DaCheech

    Hey Danny, I post on profind often. Got some thick skulled jdub there! I think I scared most of them off.

    Got a couple that when facts can't win, they do personal attacks

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    West Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses
    Flint Journal, MI - 2 hours ago
    By Jean Douglas Clarkson. FLINT TWP. - The West Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses holds five meetings a week, according to Jeff Ragan, presiding overseer. ... [

  • ADDRESS: 1187 S. Dye Road, Flint Township

  • SERVICES: 10 a.m. Sunday

  • LEADER: Jeff Ragan, presiding overseer

  • "AFFILIATION": Watchtower Bible Tract Society

    West Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses

    Footnote from Danny:,what's with the buzzword "affiliation"?

    4081. Jehovah's Witnesses beliefs.
    by Haszard, 9/11/04 7:25 ET
    Jehovah's Witnesses... by Haszard , 9/11/04 New!

    You can reply in a letter to the editor or post your comment in their forum,I did.

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny
    Q & A with Tony Danza
    TIME - 1 hour ago
    ... But you know, every once in a while you hear a joke you just like: Why don't Italians like Jehovah's Witnesses? 'Cause we don't like no witnesses.

    You're also having some Sopranos cast members on. Some Italian Americans find that show offensive.

    Sometimes I feel that way. What, are we all murderers and gangsters? But you know, every once in a while you hear a joke you just like: Why don't Italians like Jehovah's Witnesses? 'Cause we don't like no witnesses.

    From the Sep. 20, 2004 issue of TIME magazine

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    The Meza Murders
    storyhunters.com - 1 hour ago
    The parents, Marbely and Jose Denis Meza, were members of a Jehovah's Witnesses church. And here is where things start to get a little funky. ...

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