Dad said JW's number 6.5 million and are growing -- can anyone verify this?

by Gopher 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bubbamar

    Why don't they also include numbers of people who were DA'ed/DF'ed and faded? Are WE growing in numbers at a faster or slower rate? Wouldn't it be great to be able to say that worldwide apostate numbers are growing at 8%!!! Hahaha I would LOVE it!

    Do they have a column for "People we kicked out" "People who figured out the scam and left" "People who would leave if not for the threat of DFing" "People who will NEVER be back"

    And what about percentage of reinstatements! How many could there possibly be in a year. 2?

    Growing my ass. More like taking hostages.

  • outbutnotdown

    Their fixation on numbers being important is only due to THEIR own interpretations of which parts of the Bible are important.

    It reminds me of a time, in grade 8, when I had about a three hour conversation argument with another classmate about creation evolution, wherein I was absolutely certain that I had done a great thing for Jehoober, by standing up for him. Reality was that I was a shallow-minded, uneducated jerk who never listened to a damn thing that my friend said.

    Similar to their "number" fixation, we were all convinced that if people disagreed with us it PROVED that we were Jehoober's true people, when in fact reality was that we were just small-thinking people. I feel so much smarter, now that I don't "KNOW" everything.


  • FairMind

    The 5,500 weekly figure is for those who are baptized which is different than the net weekly increase in publishers. Once you take out of the 5,500 figure those who are disfellowsipped or leave for other reasons and those who die the number is reduced drastically. Taking the figures given by RunningMan: 2004 Peak 6,429,351

    Less 2001 Peak 6,114,666

    104 week change 314,685

    Avg. weekly increase 3,026


  • Pole

     Do not put faith in what statistics say until you have carefully considered what they do not say. --William W. Watt Statistics are like a bikini. What they reveal is suggestive, but what they conceal is vital. --Aaron Levenstein 
  • Joker10
    is almost always the same or less than the average population growth on the planet, which means they are NOT gaining on the rest of the world.

    They ARE gaining. The world population growth rate is of 1.14%.

    If they were growing at the rate of the Mormon church (as was mentioned on another thread), and were organized to flex their political muscles, that would be a concern.

    LDS church growth last year was 2.25% There are much more Witnesses than active Mormons.

    Most of the growth is from children of JWs, baptized in their early teens (or before),

    Mostly 15 and up.

  • shotgun

    Joker even your letter size grew in this post....Holy spear-it maybe

    The number in Canada has stayed flat for 10 years, 1995 peak 110,000 and in 2003 it was 110,000...this after a 1% increase per year.

  • IT Support
    IT Support

    Blondie said:

    But if numbers were proof that the WTS is the true religion, then Islam, Mormons, and Roman Catholics have them beat.

    Very true, plus Baptists, Adventists, Pentecostals, etc...


    The firgures are a bit 'off' because the page hasn't been updated since January 2002, however it still gives a good overview of various religions' growth rates.



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