I am attending an assembly.

by jwbot 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Netty

    JWbot, I have been there, plenty of times, when my brother had a talk or my father had a talk, some will shun you, some will not. If you are able to stay focused on why you are there, the togetherness with your family, you might be ok. As long as you expect that some will mistreat you. That was always my expereince every time I went to a meeting or even to both of my brothers weddings, and one of my brothers 2nd weddings. If you are set on going (I would like to try and talk you out of it, but you sound like your mind is made up), then try to just ignore the bad and focus on the good. GOOD LUCK!!

  • DireStraitJacket

    I'm not saying you can't enjoy being with your family, I'm glad that you can spend some time with them..
    I just think that this may cause them to put increasing pressure on you and your choices in life

    I know that if I went to an assembly the only conversation I would hear the whole day would be about whatever excellent point brother so-and-so brought up in whatever talk, and what an excellent demonstration that was, and didn't you enjoy the illustration used to get random point across.. and it wouldn't end there, I would be hearing it for the next week.. "we should try please Jehovah in EVERYTHING we do"

    to me that is a waste of time, I would end up feeling more pissed off at my family than anything else..

    hopefully this does not happen to you!! I do wish you the best in seeing your family again, and "pray" that their eyes are not too clouded over by jw doctrine to enjoy spending the time with you as well.

  • doogie

    well, i hope you enjoy it as much as you can. i personally can't even imagine going back to one of those things. <shivers>

    i hope your friends don't shun you or give you any kind of guilt trip (i'm sure they won't...i'm not being sarcastic...no, really...). of course, i don't know how your family and friends function, but i know that if i went to an assembly EVERYONE would welcome me back with open arms. i personally though, would want to remember why they were being so friendly to me and my girlfriend (my family has never talked to her either, so i know what you mean about wanting your fam to meet the significant other). i understand "stringing them along" but in the end even the happy contact you might experience might not be so "real", you know what i mean?

    i just know that i'd cringe under every hug they offer because i know that deep down they're really saying, "Repent and turn around, lost sheep."

  • Sassy
    my brother had recently stopped talking to me, saying an elder has told them to treat me like I have been disfellowshipped.

    God I hate that.. If you were never babtized they should not be shunning you at all..

    although the whole shunning deal pisses me off any way...

    You have your reasons for attending... I can respect them.. I just hope you will not be hurt.. or Mike

  • jwbot

    StinkyPantz: :) Yes my family knows that Mike and I are going to get married. I think that might help things too, although they are dissapointed we are not going to get eloped so we are not living in sin. Oh well.

    Netty: You have good advice. And yes, my mind is set, because I just really want to be with my family. I know I am not thinking logically and more emotionally but I just miss them so much.

    DireStraitJacket: I know what you are saying, in fact, I can hear my mother saying those things in my mind right now... I will just have to ignore those things like I have always done (I hated hearing those phrases, so robotic...) and perhaps engage them in meaningful conversation.

  • jwbot

    Sassy: Well Mike will be my support. He is a very sound person, and while I am preparing him on what to expect, he knows... He has a very great attitude about the whole thing.

    doogie: well my old friends have definitely shunned me. I personally do not expect anything better from them and I do not care, they were never real friends. If they treat me better, I will be very surprised.

  • SheilaM

    JWBot: I am glad that you are strong enough to do this...me I get to feeling like thisjust thinking of it....I think that you are right that seeing your family etc. would far outway the bad of this experience.

    I hope all goes well for you

  • Tuesday

    Good luck, maybe you should sign up for the free carpet and plants at the end of the program for your apartment. Be sure to report back with the number of bolts holding the rafters together (37 in Providence Civic Center).

  • jwbot

    Tuesday, you are right. I really need plants!

  • No Apologies
    No Apologies

    Those plants aren't free!! There is a sugggested contribution for them!!! Although it would be funny as heck to disregard them and walk away with the plant. Maybe I should have gone to the last day of the convention and picked one up!

    Jwbot, just be ready for some grilling after the convention. "wasn't that a good demonstrations?" "Wasn't that advice on materialism so wonderful?" And my favorite: "Wasn't this the best assembly ever?!?" This will be your chance to slip in something other than the standard JW drone's reply, and do it real casual, watch them a get a very funny look on their face...

    No Apologies

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