I always thought it just meant you were a fan of the band which I'm a huge fan of. I went to a Green Day and Blink 182 concert because they were opening, I left after they finished. Bad Religion is one of the intelligent punk bands, it's nice to have a band that doesn't sing about getting wasted, puking and pooping.
easy there, pardner...let me explain
by doogie 19 Replies latest jw friends
i walked out of that movie Knight's Tale...too much dude butt.
Can't really say you weren't warned though.
Stinky Pantz please tell me thats a girls' butt I'm lusting after every time I see your avatar !!!
Stinky Pantz please tell me thats a girls' butt I'm lusting after every time I see your avatar !!!
That ain't a butt... that's a booty!
Stinky - lemme look at it for a minute and I'll tell you if I start feeling offended.
*** Closely examining the booty pic to see if I experience any sense of offence ***
Nope... nothing yet...
Oop! Wait a minute! I'm feeling something... but it ain't offence!
Add a star of David, the top of a watchtower, a fat Buddha, an idol of Shiva and a crescent moon and change the word "Bad" to "Ban" and I think your avatar will be just perfect.
I know the world will never ban religion, just like Hollywood will never stop making science fiction movies. Fantasy sells!
Stinky Pantz please tell me thats a girls' butt I'm lusting after every time I see your avatar !!!
It's a female booty .
Not offended at all.............