I've never been a JW, but I can kind of relate. I'm trying to get my JW friend to "see the light". One of the things I find interesting about JWs is most of them know very little about the early history of their religion and how doctrines have come and gone and come again throughout the years... hardly consistant with a God who is the same "yesterday, today, and tomorrow".
For example, using the "satan" ploy isn't exclusive to the JWs, although I'm sure most of them think it is. Several religions, like the JWs, break off from the Millerites of the 1840s ... those looking for the Advent of the Messiah. They too are the only "truth" and they too will play the "satan" card.
I would say to your loved one.. "there are many religions that make the same claim as the JWs... i.e. the "truth", new "light", persecution, last days, etc.; whatever the JWs say that is "exclusive" and can "prove" that they are indeed the "truth", there are other religions that use similar arguments. That being said, wisdom dictates that you keep and open mind, seek out anwers, question and be discerning. Look on the internet and find out what others have experienced in this religion. The internet is only a reference tool, and should not be condemned. Real truth will not deny examination, for real truth will prove itself, and has nothing to hide."
I'm sure others on this board can be more helpful. One website you might look at is:
Good Luck..