Blood Fraction

by claudia 14 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • mgm

    Hi everybody
    it's just a question of time and the whole matter will be up to everybodies conciense!
    No clear biblical foundation against transfusion. More and more opposition inside and outsite the organisation.
    Because of my poor English I can't go into details

  • Frenchy

    mgm: I tend to agree with you that this blood thing will go away one day. I think that the main reason for it will be because of litigation brought against the society, perhaps by those European countries that have been led to believe that it is up to the individual whether or not he takes blood.

  • Ben

    So how many of you feel comfortable telling your Bible Study about our stand on blood?

  • Yerusalyim

    Exactly four years ago...this was what we discussed.

  • ldrnomo

    If you feel ok donating blood so that all the borg members who take fractions will have a good supply, donate blood, no one has to know. It's not their business.

    Everything that is in blood is allowed when fractionated. It's stupid

    It's like telling someone they can't buy a stolen car but they can buy all the parts seperately.

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