I know many of us felt we were doing "God's work" and did not have to spend time with our families or even do things for ourselves. Our only focus was the ministry and the "truth"....... Did you too, neglect yourself and your family???
Looking Back, Did You Neglect Your Family Because You Were In The "Truth"?
by minimus 23 Replies latest jw friends
elders almost had to negklect family to carry burden/take the lead etc etc - with cong responsibilities only one place for the time to come from - not work - but time that should have been spent on the family
Guilty. Though I've taken them on trips, as a father and friend I neglected them emotional. This to me is an 'indicator' that their form of worship and practice is highly questionable. JW children are deprived of being children.
Lucky for me, my wife not having a JW background, saved the day!
Guest 77
Undaunted Danny
BIG time!
I didn't but hubby sure did . He would work late hours every night except hall nights, he never missed a brainwashing. He was never in the emergency room with my kids never at the docs. , never at school , nothing but he always made his cult meetings , the jws saw him more then his family. And yes i have deep hate for what he and the cult put me through alone.
Yes, I really don't even know my family very well because of being raised that way. My parents didn't want me to be very close to them so I never got to know them. Now, I regret that.
I stayed close to my parents (except for holidays). When they died, I didn't really connect with much other family. However, our family was fairly scattered and my parents didn't socialize much with either side.
Upon leaving, they have all welcomed me back with open arms. There have been no recriminations or 'why didn't you call for so long' comments. JW or no, I was still family.
I find that behaviour closer to 'Christian' than what I've experienced from JWs...even before I left. Sad, really.
As a little child, I was very neglected by extended family for the congregation. I tried so hard to win love from certain family members who were so preoccupied with being "helpful" in the congregation. They were very popular. I loved them and they didn't know I existed most of the time.
anew----I'm sorry to hear that!