Gadgets Elder Visit - The transcript

by Gadget 33 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Mysterious

    Wow congrats Gadget on a job well done. I both love and hate reading transcripts. Love because you held your own so well. I know any time I have been faced with a witness let alone a pair of elders I end up feeling like I'm walking into a brick wall over and over again.

  • blondie

    You were calmer than I could have been, Gadget.

    It just confirms why I don't want to talk to elders, PBS (pearls before swine).

    It all went over their heads. But you never know, something might stick and make an elder do so secret surfing.


  • jgnat

    I mean, are elders typically so much in other peoples' business? That first part, maaaan, they were trying to assess your spiritual state, whether you were fixable so to speak.

    Do they think they are soul mechanics?

  • lurk


    all i found so far was this

    BBC report 2003.

    Among many programmes reviewed, CRAC recorded particular praise
    for Panorama ? Suffer the Little Children.Although not a religious
    programme, it was felt that this had been brave, if frightening,
    and in the best tradition ofinvestigative journalism.

    hello gadget

    i enjoyed reading your interview

    it was so wrong that you were kicked out .especially as you and the woman you were engaged to went to the elders about your relationship.what a lesson in how honesty is not always a good thing.

    i think its a shame that in the end all they could do was use emotional tatics such as :are you saying my father would cover things up, do you think brothers would deliberatly lie an cover up ( or stuff to that effect.and accusing you of nit picking !! well .that said it all....

    one minute they the WTS society is jehovahs only true organization spreading religious truth ,well organized world wide ,fighting battles in courts for the good of mankind like some religious amnesty international then ......

    the next minute they are just a bunch of simple lil christians making mistakes but trying there best

    they have got all angles covered here .

    the word passive aggressive comes to mind



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