Catholic Church: Sorry little girl... you're going to hell

by Elsewhere 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    sounds like this priest should become a JW; think of how successful he would be!

    sally summed it up in her post---good and bad in all religions.

  • Undecided

    If God really cares why doesn't he just heal her? Why doesn't she go to a protestant church that does healing and go back to the Catholic church for mass? Religion is such a mystery. Why anyone would bother to use a religion to be spiritual is hard for me to understand.

    Ken P.

  • Cicatrix

    Awww, I'll give her a hug when I see her then. According to my in-laws and the ministers of several religions, I'm going to be there too;)

  • willy_think

    Wine or whine? I know it is one or the other.

  • Mary


  • DanTheMan

    Straining out the gnat and gulping down the camel

  • simplesally

    I do think there will be resolution to her problem........... some priest will reach her heart and tell her how God feels and how private communion is ..... rules are not the real issue... spirituality and living your truth, living a life that shows you are kind and compassionate

  • willy_think

    The real issue is: did the bread become the blood and body of Christ?

    According to Catholic beliefs when a priest uses the correct materials and performs the rite correctly an actual miracle takes place. (not saying it does only that is the belief) the bred and wine become the body and blood of Christ. Using the correct materials but doing the rite incorrectly or doing the ritual correctly but using the wrong material results in no miracle taking place and so no body and blood of Christ. The church can not say that the kid received communion because she never ate the body and blood of Christ. It is nothing more then that. There is no looking into a hart involved. this is not a symbolic event to Catholics, a change takes place (to there thinking) and no change took place in the bread the kid ate. So no communion took place. I don't know why the mother has a problem with taking a teaspoon of water cut "blood of Christ". If she believes that is what communion is.

  • willy_think

    dubble clicked sorry

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