I have referred to this wonderful site many times. It truly has some excellent matierial and I thank those responsible for it. What a good job you've done.
Reading that literature makes me laugh, angry, nauseous, incredulous and woozy all at the same time. How did you all do it? But I have a quick question: How does the intrepid user of the Quotes site get around the objection(s) of those on which one would use the material? (Like a JW at the door...) Don't or can't they just say the quotes are false or incorrect or changed from the real WT literature? Like it's the work of Apostates and such?
I would guess that the burden of proof to show the quotes are false is on the person disputing them, but I can see problems when confronting someone with a quote that smashes their reality to bits. How far back can a JW be expected to have access to records? How complete are the KH libraries should the inquisitive JW wish to see for themself?
Just curious and thanks again for such a tremendous site.