A Final Note: Hell Is Truth Seen Too Late - Duty Neglected In It's Season. - Tryon Edwards
So is this game controversial? Are demons evil? The answer is an unwavering "Yes." Very controversial and very evil, respectively. Doom II has been blamed for everything from the murders of 13 people at a Colorado high school to you not turning in your homework. It stirs up a lot of emotions for gamers, parents, and legislators alike. Living in a society originally founded on Judeo-Christian values, it shouldn't be surprising to us when a game that involves satanic symbols, shooting people (though undead), and has as it's setting the big H - E - double hockey sticks causes problems for some members of society.
Where I personally stand on Doom 3 is fodder for another article, but if you were looking for demons, eviscerated humans crucified upside down, a bio-mechanical Satan, or limbless torsos writhing in cages with the sounds of little girls whimpering in the background, it is all there on those three CD-ROMs. And if you aren't looking for those things, they are still there, eagerly awaiting a rabid press, a candidate in need of soapbox, or a mother looking for a reason why her son wears all black and listens to "The Misfits".
Whether you like it or not, to many people, a single game will say something about all gamers and the industry as a whole. Last election's "Soccer Moms" and this year's "Security Moms" won't notice the dynamic lighting, the antialiasing, or pixel-shaders. But the bloated, skinned zombie hitting you over the head with a wrench might catch her eye. It was interesting to note in the opening cutscene that the Union Aerospace Corporation was described as having enough financial resources to fund "research outside of legal and moral obligations". I wonder how much money it takes to free yourself of moral and legal obligations. Purchase and play responsibly