Comments You Will Not Hear at the 8-22-04 WT Study (Abbreviated) Apostates

by blondie 19 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the 8-22-04 WT Study (July 15, 2004 issue) ABBREVIATED

    Review comments will be in black and parentheses ()

    WT quotes

    will be in red and quotes ""

    Quotes from other sources

    will be in blue


    "Happy is the man?[whose] delight is in the law of Jehovah."?Psalm 1:1,2 (snippet)

    Whole scripture:

    Happy is the man

    that has not walked in the counsel of the wicked ones, And in the way of sinners has not stood, And in the seat of ridiculers has not sat. But his delight is in the law of Jehovah, And in his law he reads in an undertone day and night.

    How well God must like you--you don't hang out at Sin Saloon,
    you don't slink along Dead-End Road, you don't go to Smart-Mouth College. Instead you thrill to GOD's Word, you chew on Scripture day and night.?Psalm 1:1,2 (Message Bible)

    Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.?Psalm 1:1,2 (King James Version) /cgi-bin/bible

    Opening Comments

    I finished the 4 th week on my new job. I am making fewer and fewer mistakes, yay! My chronic pain has been at a new high though and Irrev had an operation last week. So things have been busy.

    Once again the WTS is resorting to using the OT. Is it no surprise that Jesus is either a distant second in the minds of JWs or an afterthought? Is there no delight in walking in Jesus? footsteps?

    While happiness seems to be the theme, actually "apostates" feature prominently in this article. Nothing new, but warnings galore.


    Paragraphs 1,2

    Jehovah supports and blesses us as his loyal servants.

    Notice JWs are not supported and blessed as "Christians" or "followers of [Jesus] Christ.

    True, we face many trials. However, we also enjoy genuine happiness.

    This is not surprising, for we serve "the happy God," and his holy spirit produces joy in our hearts. (1 Timothy 1:11; Galatians 5:22)

    And if you are not happy?.you are not a loyal servant. Only JWs have "genuine happiness" or "true happiness."

    Joy is the state of true happiness resulting from the expectation of something good.

    And our heavenly Father certainly gives us good gifts. (James 1:17)

    What did Jesus give?

    Just as the Son of man came, not to be ministered to, but to minister and to give his soul a ransom in exchange for many." MATTHEW 20:28

    No wonder we are happy!

    And you better be!

    The Secret of Happiness

    Paragraph 3-9

    Psalm 1 shows why a godly person is happy. (verse 1)

    To be truly happy we must comply with Jehovah?s righteous requirements.

    As interpreted by the Watchtower Society.

    w94 10/1 p. 8 The Bible?A Book Meant to Be Understood

    Even as Bible prophecy pointed forward to the Messiah, it also directs us to the close-knit body of anointed Christian Witnesses that now serve as the faithful and discreet slave. It helps us to understand the Word of God.

    All who want to understand the Bible should appreciate that the "greatly diversified wisdom of God" can become known only through Jehovah?s channel of communication, the faithful and discreet slave.?John 6:68.

    We can be happy if we pursue a similar course (Luke 1:5,6) and firmly refuse to ?walk in the counsel of the wicked? or to be guided by their ungodly advice.

    If we reject the thinking of wicked ones, we will not be ?standing in the way of sinners.?

    In fact, we literally will not be found where they often are?in places of immoral entertainment or of ill repute? What if we are tempted to join sinners in their unscriptural conduct?

    "Do not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers."

    If we rely on God and are "pure in heart," we will reject the spirit and life-style of sinners and will have clean motives and desires, along with "faith without hypocrisy."?Matthew 5:8; 1 Timothy 1:5.

    To please Jehovah (not Jesus?), we surely ?must not sit in the seat of ridiculers."

    Some ridicule godliness itself, but in these "last days," former Christians who have become apostates often prove to be especially scornful in their ridicule.

    What thinking would that be?

    Hiding child sexual abuse

    Watchtower Society association with the UN as a nongovernmental organization

    Flip-flop Watchtower doctrines

    Organ Transplants

    Rape is fornication

    Rape is not fornication

    If we never ?sit in the seat of ridiculers,? we will avoid the disaster that is sure to befall them.

    What disaster would befall a person who did not speak out about wrongdoing even if it is an organization that claims to represent God?

    "?Now in case a soul sins in that he has heard public cursing and he is a witness or he has seen it or has come to know of it, if he does not report it, then he must answer for his error. LEVITICUS 5:1

    w97 8/15 p. 27 Why Report What Is Bad?

    The Law stated that if a person was a witness to apostate acts, sedition, murder, or certain other serious crimes, it was his responsibility to report it and to testify to what he knew.

    Hasn?t the WTS apostasized by its false prophecies?

    Hasn?t the WTS murdered with its flip-flop doctrine on organ transplants and constantly "evolving" doctrine on the use of blood?

    Hasn?t the WTS been hand in hand with the abusers of children when they hide their deeds and pressure the victims and their families not to seek help outside the congregation?

    We could lose the spirituality we have acquired through a study of the Scriptures (actually a study of the WT publications)

    In fact, we could then go from bad to worse.

    I know of many JWs that "saw the light" when they finally actually read and studied the Bible without the "help" of WT publications.

    Our downward spiral might begin if we follow the counsel of the wicked.

    Translation: apostates; people who don?t believe everything the WTS tells them to.

    Then we might associate with them regularly (on the Internet???).

    In time, we might become faithless apostate ridiculers.

    Translation: no longer having faith in the WT, telling their secrets and having the WTS? own actions make them an object of ridicule.

    Obviously, friendship with wicked ones can foster an ungodly spirit within us and can destroy our relationship with Jehovah God.

    If anyone?s faith in God has been destroyed, it has been by the lies and cruelty of the WTS.

    Prayer will help us to keep our minds fixed on spiritual things and to avoid companionship with wicked ones.

    Including those bad ones in the congregation. There will be a lot of personal marking going on.


    Father, mother, teenage daughter, pre-teen son, heads bowed in prayer during family study.

    Interesting points

    Father and son are dressed in casual shirts.

    Mother and daughter have skirts on

    Book must be older since it is hardbound/Title is a foreign language?Polish perhaps

    Never stoop to the level of wicked ones.

    Yes, never get as low as the WTS has in its support of child abusers and persecution of victims.

    Although we reject wicked practices, we do give a tactful witness to others?we preach the good news of the Kingdom to all sorts of people (even wicked ones), and we treat them in a kind manner.

    We are confident that those "rightly disposed for everlasting life" will become believers and delight in God?s law.?Acts 13:48.

    So after demonizing people who do not agree with the WTS, now they have to do damage control, otherwise how will JWs ever be able to go door to door and have association with wicked ones?

    He Delights in Jehovah?s Law

    Paragraphs 10-12

    When possible, during periods of personal study and meditation (Craig), we have read "in an undertone," sounding out the words. Doing this when reading any portion of the Scriptures will?

    Mean that it will take a long time to do the weekly Bible reading assignment.

    "The faithful and discreet slave" has encouraged us to read the Bible daily.

    But they probably don?t?too busy doing "the Lord?s work."

    Do you find delight in reading the Bible daily?.

    Who has time after all the WT publications the average JW has to read?

    Our eternal happiness depends on our taking delight in God?s law.

    Actually, it depends on figuring out what the WTS? interpretation is this week.

    Not a day will pass without our giving consideration to spiritual matters

    With many JWs that means walking by the Bible on the table.

    He Becomes Like a Tree

    Paragraphs 13-16

    Like all other imperfect humans, we who serve Jehovah (not Jesus?) experience difficulties in life.

    I thought the WTS taught that our difficulties are a result of not being good servants of Jehovah?

    With God?s help, however, we are able to endure these tests successfully?

    In fact, we can live forever.

    This is the carrot that motives JWs, plus the hope of seeing their friends and relatives brought back to life.

    ?Everything we do succeeds? because our main objective is to do Jehovah?s will.

    Only if we do it the WT way.

    The Wicked Seem to Prosper

    Paragraphs 17-20

    Translation: The apostates? lives don?t fall apart, they don?t kill themselves, their marriages prosper.

    How the lot of the wicked differs from that of the righteous! Wicked ones may appear to prosper materially for a time, but they are not prospering spiritually.

    Really, I can name many on this DB who have progressed beyond the rote obedience to the WTS and not being able to discuss the Bible without a WT publication.

    But now the WTS does some damage control.

    Even if wicked ones prosper materially, they have no lasting security?.

    Notice how the WTS is focusing on material prosperity as if that is the reason these ones left?rather than a dearth of spiritual teaching, a flood of hypocrisy and a vacuum of Christian love.

    Surely, though, we are happy that such evildoers will SOON be gone forever.

    Yes, everyone who is not a dedicated baptized JW will die, including 1-day-old babies?what evildoers those babies are!

    Carrot moment:

    Obedient humans
    (only JWs) will eventually (in whose lifetime?) receive God?s gift (not Jesus?) of everlasting life.

    The Blessed "Way of Righteous Ones"

    Paragraphs 21-23

    Our heavenly Father?views us (only JWs) as his approved servants (not Christians?).

    "The way of righteous ones" will remain forever (not children of the unrighteous though), but incorrigibly wicked people (1 day old babies and up) will perish because of Jehovah?s adverse judgment.

    We (only JWs) are privileged to live on a paradise earth when wicked ones (1 day old babies and up, all 6 billion plus) no longer exist.

    Concluding Comments

    Yes, how happy JWs will be when all the wicked are removed (including 1 day old babies and up, all 6 billion plus).

    How happy they will be when "such evildoers will soon be gone forever."

    "What happiness" JWs "will experience if we (JWs) are privileged to live on a paradise earth, when wicked ones no longer exist."

  • cyber-sista

    Surely, though, we are happy that such evildoers will SOON be gone forever.
    Blondie, thanks for keeping us up to date. I have relatives (and friends of 20 years) who are still seemingly happy JWs. Whenever I think about trying to reason with them about my reasons for leaving the WT and I read stuff like this I can see what I am up against. If this is the garbage they are chosing to believe and following along with I hang my head in shame for ever being a part of this Org. I was always deeply disturbed by statements such as the above because what it meant for me (with unbelieving hubby and daughter and many others who I dearly loved in life) is that all these people that I care about the most would soon be gone forever and I would be stuck on earth with a bunch of people who are happy over the death of all these I have known and loved. Of course it wouldn't matter then because my old emotional sentimental self would be replaced with my new robotic feelingless self--100% Borgified and feeling no pain. Scarey...

  • belbab


    You sure are adept in using the necessary tools of the trade.

    Needle nose pliers and vice-grips.

    When you see them publishing articles like this you can be certain you are putting the squeeze on them where it hurts the most.

    I am sure you are on their most wanted list. (a happy place to be)


  • CeriseRose


    I have to admit that I read your commentaries when I first joined the board, and am truly amazed at how you can stand to read that tripe every week (your comments are dead on and insightful, and I'm very impressed at how you cut through their bs, like a hot knife through butter...). :) I haven't had inclination to read them the last while, not because your comments haven't been wonderful as usual (which I'm positive they are even if I didn't read through), but because I just can't bring myself to even hear anything that sprouts from the WTS' completely messed up thinking (I think I just hit a point in my cycle of healing/removing myself from them).

    I read this week, because I wanted to know what my sister would be 'studying' after corresponding with me. Well, they say timing is everything...I'm sure I will now be labelled an apostate based on one tiny comment I made in my letter (I told her that loyalty to God wasn't the same as loyalty to an earthly organization, no matter what that organization claimed to be, or whom they claimed to represent, and then told her I was not discussing religious doctrine with her). I just came to some realizations about my relationship with her, so this is not as distressing to me as it would have been a few days ago (I figured no matter what I believed if she didn't know, then she wouldn't label me and I wouldn't have the tiny fragile crack in the door of our relationship sealed). Now, it doesn't matter to me one way or the other (another step in the 'break free' cycle? I dunno...I just know that she doesn't matter so much in the big scheme of things).

    I just wanted to thank you for posting, for your comments, and for making this available to people like me who don't have access anymore (thank god? hehe). It helps me, in kind of a bass-ackwards way. :)


  • jgnat

    Blondie, I am glad you are still at it with the weekly study; even with the new job, your hubby's recovery, and chronic pain. I hope your abbreviated study will inspire others to build on their own research ability.

    Pah, this article is not about joy! It is a thinly veiled warning to avoid people different than themselves, the dreaded apostates! Interesting is how apostates are described, when the article strays from bible quotes. I imagine this is how Headquarters views their opposers. "Former Christians who have become apostates often prove to be especially scornful in their ricidule." I wonder, too, if they have figured out how sites like JWD help people eventually think on their own. "Our downward spiral might begin if we follow the counsel of the wicked. Then we might associate with them regularly. In time, we might even become faithless apostate ridiculers." A paragraph from last week's study had a note about "encouraging" the "inactive ones". Immediately afterwards we have half a dozen testimonials on this board, as past friends and relatives make a diagnostic call. I wonder how this article affects sincere JW's who have no idea where this latest threat is coming from, as they are not yet exposed to the information highway, that uncontrollable mass of information, the World Wide Web! Will they further cut off disassociated family and friends? Will parents forbid their teens from visiting with their "worldly" neighbours, no matter how innocent the outing? As for those plugged in to the information age, will more of the curious come stumbling upon JWD?

    As a side note, I found it very odd that Zechariah and Elizabeth were held up as models of righteous, joyous followers. Zechariah always struck me as the strong, silent type, while Elizabeth was the exhuberant singer. I mean, Zechariah had some serious doubts about God's calling at first. I imagine they had a quiet nine months around the dinner table. Are they the best examples of joy the Watchtower could come up with?

    Here is my mini-study on joy:

    Joy and obedience in the same sentence:Romans 16:19 and Hebrews 13:17
    In both examples, obedience brings joy to the overseer, not the giver!

    Compare this to a word search for joy and worship combined:

    Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. Psalm 100:2 NIV
    Then they worshiped him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy. Luke 24:52 NIV
    Is any one of you in trouble? He should pray. Is anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise. James 5:13

    Joy and enjoying the fruit of our labours:

    For seven days celebrate the Feast to the LORD your God at the place the LORD will choose. For the LORD your God will bless you in all your harvest and in all the work of your hands, and your joy will be complete. Deuteronomy 16:15 NIV

    Note that this is joy in providing a simple livelihood, not in door-to-door work.

  • Scully
    True, we face many trials. However, we also enjoy genuine happiness.

    This is not surprising, for we serve "the happy God," and his holy spirit produces joy in our hearts. (1 Timothy 1:11; Galatians 5:22)

    And if you are not happy?.you are not a loyal servant. Only JWs have "genuine happiness" or "true happiness."

    Yeah, right!! And just how many JWs - the so-called Happiest People On Earth? - are being medicated with anti-depressants like Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, Luvox, Effexor, etc??

    What disaster would befall a person who did not speak out about wrongdoing even if it is an organization that claims to represent God?

    "?Now in case a soul sins in that he has heard public cursing and he is a witness or he has seen it or has come to know of it, if he does not report it, then he must answer for his error. LEVITICUS 5:1


    8/15 p. 27 Why Report What Is Bad?

    The Law stated that if a person was a witness to apostate acts, sedition, murder, or certain other serious crimes, it was his responsibility to report it and to testify to what he knew.

    Yet, where does the WTS stand when it comes to reporting serious crimes like domestic violence, wife beating, child sexual abuse, and the like?? How many thousands of times have survivors been told to keep quiet, pray more, be a better wife/child, concentrate on meeting attendance and field service, lest they Bring Reproach On Jehovah???

    When it comes to protecting the safety and innocence of JW women and children, it always lags far behind protecting the whitewashed public image of the WTS. Don't they realize that Jehovah is "God enough" to tolerate a little "reproach" if it means that innocent children and women are protected from the greedy, selfish, disgusting motives of those whose despicable ACTIONS cause reproach?? Is the speaking out about the horrors of domestic abuse, child sexual abuse or any other heinous crime what causes the reproach? or is it not the ones who abuse and victimize the innocent that truly cause reproach??

    Do they really think they are fooling Jehovah??

    Love, Scully

  • codeblue


    Thank you so much for your "enlightening" review of the Wt study!!!

    I really enjoyed it a lot..........

    I sure hope Irrev is doing well with his surgery, please tell him "hello" and hope he is feeling better!!!

    I congratulate you for your diligent focus on the review despite being in a new job (and we all know how that zaps our energy) and that fact that your dear husband had surgery too....

    Many hugs for you....


  • XQsThaiPoes

    Has anyone notice the blatant generalities in this article. The "christians", the "righteous", the "wicked", and the "sinners".I notice this is a very non specific article. One day the jws are not going to recognized their stuff from those other hellfire churches.

  • mario


    Thanks so much for your study. I'm not a JW but I value a job well done.

    According the Scriptures what is an apostate?


  • Maverick

    Thank you Blondie!

    The WTS is just hitting those emotional trigger points to reinforce their implanted programming. You slap someone and tell them you love them, do that enough times and when they are slapped they will tell themselves, "I am loved!" After the initial indoctrination, (Bible Study and love bombing) the WTS does this reinforcement, (WatchTower study and other boring meetings) to keep the borg implants links to the hive-mind! Sad but that's the way they like it! Mav

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