Wish me luck!

by Valis 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • Valis

    Well I've spent a couple hours today getting my cameras ready. Which means cleaning them like a dentist with solutions, swabs, picks, fiberglass brushes, prayer *LOL*, etc..They are going to be entered into the collectors competition at the State Fair of Texas in October. I have three cameras, the max entry, all going back before the 1930's. One of which is a camera that our good friend talley from Wisconsin sent me. I hope to do well as this is my first go with any of my collection. Now topping over 35 cameras. I'll know by late Sept if I won or got an honorable mention...wish me luck for going down tomorrow and submitting my cameras to the fussy old ladies in charge...*LOL*


    District Overbeer

  • Netty

    GOOD LUCK to you!

  • arrowstar

    Knock 'em dead, kiddo!!


  • confusedjw
    They are going to be entered into the collectors competition at the State Fair of Texas in October.

    Oh thank god, I was afraid you were doing something geeky

    OK good luck.

  • Golf

    Good for you Valis. I wish you all the best! Just being a participant is an honor.

    Guest 77

  • Gadget

    Good luck!

    If I had of known you knew about cameras I would have asked you about mine when you were over here, its one of the early box brownies.

  • bikerchic

    Wishing you luck!

    How awesome Travis, please let us know how it turns out. You'll probably get lots of inquiries and meet some great people who are camera collectors like yourself. I think this is the best part that you'll come away with much more than your beautiful camera collection you'll meet some people you can net work with too who share your same enthusiasm.


  • Valis

    Well thanks to ya'll for the wishes. I'm hoping even for a Honorable Mention. There are people who do this all the time and scour the antique shows for the best. I usually just come accross ones that strike me as good finds. But we'll see and if anything I get to chat up the old ladies..


    District Overbeer

  • seeitallclearlynow

    Not fair, I just got home! Heh heh. But I want to wish you the best of luck too Valis! No wonder you're so good at posting pictures here.

  • blondie

    I thought it was for something romantic.


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