from my observations, the ones who thought they were 'cool', (the socially inclined jw's, or those who thought they dressed 'cool' or did other 'cool' things) were only cool in the context of the controlled jw environment, but throw them out into the real world, where they are surrounded by people without inhibitions and with opinions, and their coolness would be laughed at.
the above applies in the context of driving 100mph being cool, i don't think that's cool, i think that's something that either you do naturally, or you don't do at all, 100mph is NOT a speed worth making a point of, in fact if someone tried to boast to me about 100mph, i would laugh my head off.
likewise clothing, if you wear nice clothes naturally, okay, but if you try to make a point of showing that you wear them, you are hiding something, maybe just using them as a mask to hide behind. kind of like these plastic millionaire jw's who get expensive cars on finance to show as if they are doing well, when really it is fake and in a few years that coolness turns to brokeness and depression.
--i know plenty of jw's who thought they were cool, but if i dragged them, even on their coolest day through the routine of my life, they would be shell shocked.
i think the thing with jw's, is that because they are so insular, a thing that is very normal in some circles (the rest of the world) is a big deal to them, they exaggerate things, and that's why i think a cool jw is just that, a cool jw, very different from a non jw who does things without rules.
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