website that will shatter everything about the Jehovahs Witnesses

by watchmanofephraim 63 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • watchmanofephraim

    It's attitudes like yours and lack of faith and put downs that kill people.

    the power of life and death is in the tounge, or don't you anything about the Word of God?

    It's People like you with comments like that thta give the young no hope, with smart arse remarks like,"Oh yhe that shattered a lot"

    Shame on you shame on you for your flipancy, you would make a perfect Jehovah's Witness, they Kill People every day with their Mouths, for the power of life and death is truly in the tounge.

    damien davis...............

  • watchmanofephraim

    It's People like you who kill people everyday, for the power of life and death is truly in the tounge, it really is the like of you who give no hope to the younge people with remarks like, that.

    You would make a great witness because they are killing people each day, for the power of life and death is truly in the tounge, and what we say, to each other.

    How can you be so smug?

    How can you make a remark like that and not feel shame for having made such a useless statement.

    damien davis

  • AlmostAtheist

    Dude, I think the problem is presentation. Your site probably has something useful for breaking JW's free from the Watchtower, but none of them would ever see it for all the prophetic ramblings and complaints about stuff being stolen by e-watchman. There is a "message for all the god haters" link that links to a page of nothing but huge paragraphs of tiny text. NOBODY is going to read it. Regardless of how great your message is, it can't be heard in that environment.

    How about stripping it down to some very basic "Why JW's are wrong" bullet points, that link to some short, simple explanations. All the other stuff can still be there, but maybe put it off on its own page. Especially the songs, don't have anything on your anti-JW page but short, simple anti-JW stuff.

    And honestly, web hosting isn't all that expensive. Running your site on Tripod just makes it look that much worse. I host for $10 a month, and that's high for a text-only site. You can shop around and find a host that will hold your stuff for $50 a year.

    Just suggestions. If you want to help people out of the Watchtower, you're ok by me. If you want to be effective at it, you need to work on the content.


  • OldSoul


    I understand your intense feelings. Especially if you have recently discovered all this. Please take a moment though, breathe, and think.

    How many voices need to be talking about and aware of the sad state of this organization? Will attacking any potential voice make anything better? Shame and guilt is ultimately what makes most people wake up from their seemingly endless slumber.

    Shame and guilt are what caused me to say to myself, "Whoa! Grace of God? Undeserved kindness? Forgiveness even without deserving forgiveness?" I can't respond for purplesofa, but if you had said to me, "Shame on you!" I would have said a silent "Get stuffed, Cretin!" under my breath offline, before replying much more mildly that you might want to make your message more appealing by eliminating the guilt trips.

    In the very thing you judge another... (Romans 2:1, 2) You are obviously sincere and I applaud that. Try seasoning your words a bit more, you seem very bitter, very anxious, and very frustrated.


  • watchmanofephraim

    it's like you people do not know how to listen anymore, I don't give a dam what the website looks like, im not here to sell a product, but make a point, and I really do not care about bad spelling or small text or colours on a page.

    Don't you get it, the Witnesses are dying slowley, that is the entire point of the web page, and all that should need are words, it should not matter if the words are upside down, you are all so hung up on the proper ways of doing things that you canott hear anymore?

    Try seasoning my Words a bit, whne a man sees someone drowning, what does he do?

    He screams out very clumsily and awcward and looks around for a way to get the person our of the river.

    Are you all crazy, season my words, is like saying to the man calling, try calling out with a small voice.

    are you deaf?

    Im saying that the People in that orginisation are litterally rotting away, for there is no nice way of saying something like this.

    I mean what do you think Jehovah, the God of Israel is saying when he says that they are wasting away, these are not my Words, but his words.......

    Plus all who go up against Israel, naturaul Israel and war against Jerusalem shall waste away were they stand.

    Listen to what I am saying

    The Jehovah's Witnesses are Sick, Phisically Sick.

    The Witnesses need to run and I mean run from the Orginisation calling it self 'The Jehovah's Witnesses'. or else face a continued attack, Look, here is what I am saying, do you rememeber the way the Witnesess were saying that the Nations would suffer aplague of sickness along with all the other sufferings they said would come upon those who did not follow their beliefes, Jehovah?

    You can see it in all of the Pictures that they love to show, them escaping while the Nations are Judged by Jehovah for not believing.

    Well they have got it wrong I'M afraid, the Sickness has started all right, but it has not started upon the Nations, but upon certain religions, they are allways run down and depressed and tired and crying because they feel so lonely.

    Plus, they have sudden bouts of flu and do nto recover, but go on only to get sicker Ezekiel 33 to 39 Particularly Ezekiel 33/10.

    These are the days of Ezekiel.

    damien davis

  • Satanus
    season my words

    Nah, you season them: lots of salt, then into the pickle jar for 3 yrs. Let's see what they will be in 3 yrs time.


  • watchmanofephraim

    No one listens anymore..........

  • IP_SEC

    You do realize there are few if any witnesses who post here right mr watchman person? A lot of ex witnesses?? right? you know that right?

  • Puternut

    Troll Alert?

  • watchmanofephraim
    You do realize there are few if any witnesses who post here right mr watchman person?

    Does that matter, I'm Sure some get to read her eafter all it is a well known board

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