it's like you people do not know how to listen anymore, I don't give a dam what the website looks like, im not here to sell a product, but make a point, and I really do not care about bad spelling or small text or colours on a page.
Don't you get it, the Witnesses are dying slowley, that is the entire point of the web page, and all that should need are words, it should not matter if the words are upside down, you are all so hung up on the proper ways of doing things that you canott hear anymore?
Try seasoning my Words a bit, whne a man sees someone drowning, what does he do?
He screams out very clumsily and awcward and looks around for a way to get the person our of the river.
Are you all crazy, season my words, is like saying to the man calling, try calling out with a small voice.
are you deaf?
Im saying that the People in that orginisation are litterally rotting away, for there is no nice way of saying something like this.
I mean what do you think Jehovah, the God of Israel is saying when he says that they are wasting away, these are not my Words, but his words.......
Plus all who go up against Israel, naturaul Israel and war against Jerusalem shall waste away were they stand.
Listen to what I am saying
The Jehovah's Witnesses are Sick, Phisically Sick.
The Witnesses need to run and I mean run from the Orginisation calling it self 'The Jehovah's Witnesses'. or else face a continued attack, Look, here is what I am saying, do you rememeber the way the Witnesess were saying that the Nations would suffer aplague of sickness along with all the other sufferings they said would come upon those who did not follow their beliefes, Jehovah?
You can see it in all of the Pictures that they love to show, them escaping while the Nations are Judged by Jehovah for not believing.
Well they have got it wrong I'M afraid, the Sickness has started all right, but it has not started upon the Nations, but upon certain religions, they are allways run down and depressed and tired and crying because they feel so lonely.
Plus, they have sudden bouts of flu and do nto recover, but go on only to get sicker Ezekiel 33 to 39 Particularly Ezekiel 33/10.
These are the days of Ezekiel.
damien davis