A Giant for Jehovah, Judge Rutherford

by VM44 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    This was discussed in an earlier post about a month ago. According to the International Bible Students, Russell sent Rutherford to California (1915?) to get him out of the way. Russell had appointed a board of 5 people to take over after his death and Rutherford's name was not one of names. Russell also had a list of 5 alternate names in case of death etc. Rutherford's name was not on the original alternate list either but only added after because of the death of one of the named brothers. There is some discrepancy that it was Russell that actually added Rutherford to the list. On the death of Russell, Rutherford was notified and rushed back to the WT headquarters. According to the IBS, Rutherford being a layer and using legal maneuvers, did a hostile take over, firing anyone that apposed him. That in a nut shell is what I got out of what I read, although this is the IBS version of what took place.


  • VM44

    "A Giant for Jehovah"?

    Considering the man's ego, it was more like "A Giant for Judge Rutherford"!

  • GrandmaJones

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