Maybe I should introduce myself. My name is Susan and I have 4 kids. I have invited some young ladies into my home on Saturday's to discuss the Bible. I am hopeing to get some help from this group on how to appeal to the J.W's mind.
by ruffian 8 Replies latest jw friends
Maybe I should introduce myself. My name is Susan and I have 4 kids. I have invited some young ladies into my home on Saturday's to discuss the Bible. I am hopeing to get some help from this group on how to appeal to the J.W's mind.
Hi Susan. The thing with most witnesses is that they are trained to preach only, and while you would think most people would have to process questions which are posed to them, they do so only to answer your question with the goal of proselytizing. Simply put, it is likely that it's not a true dialogue because they are really there to just dispense information.
Frankly, what will appeal to the JW mind is JW teachings, if they are a true blue JW. I myself think you have to appeal to them at a deeper or more basic level, and again it's not always going to have immediate results. I believe that on the average the best that can be hoped for is to plant a seed that may grow into something more at a later time. Some, but not all JWs are driven by their intellect, so reasoning with them on an intellectual level may not necessarily work. For others, it may be that the best "witness" you can give is to be someone who displays genuine Christian love, because then it becomes obvious that it isn't the JWs as a group who are real Christians as they claim.
"It is not so much that you use your mind wrongly--you usually don't use it at all. It uses you. This is the disease." -Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now
Perhaps it would be helpful if you told us a little more about yourself. What are your basic beliefs? Also, when you ask what would "appeal" to a JW, are referring to subject matter? Also, what are your objectives in studying with them? Are you studying in one of their books or sharing favorite scriptures? Some detail would help us answer your questions.
Well, I am a Catholic and I have invited them in basicly because they seemed like really nive girls and I have heard a lot about their beliefs being way out there. I dont want to sound like the "save the world" type- I just wanted to plant some seeds and show them that all is not what it apears to the JW's. Since they are so young, Im afriad I will not have much time to plant these seeds, because as soon as the folks get wind of what they are hearing, it is likely that they will either put a stop to the visits or start coming with them- which I wouldnt be opposed to. I really want to know how to approach them on topics. Do I dare ask them questions to make them think about what they believe or will that drive them off? I am thinking the best way to handle them is to just answer their questions from MY beliefs and not press any topics untill the girls bring them up themselves.
Intro is right. Growing up, I remember my father always spouted
'come, let us reason together' & 'iron sharpeneth iron'. Later, we discovered that he was most partial to 'be reasonable, do it my way'.
They really are just there for the hours and converts.
If you strike a responsive chord, you could trigger a CRISIS OF CONSCIENCE and mobilize the JW's immune defense system: the presbyterios (ELDER's). Yep, actually found that in the Septuagint.
Again, welcome to the board.
Ni hao ma, Intro, long time no see, zai chien.
Hi and welcome ruffian
There is a really good site called "Freeminds". It has an online store, from which you can get lots of great stuff on JWs.
Click here :
Hope this helps!
Hello SusanH,
Lets see, so far I've seen you ask about:
1. Trinity
2. God's Name
3. Graven Images
4. Crucifix
I'm thinking when I was a jw, you'd be my
ideal favorite return visit!
I think it's a mistake to approach jw's with
doctrinal issues such as the ones above,
because they are very well trained to refute
I never left for doctrinal reasons.
I left for behavioral reasons.
I'd recommend doing some research on
spiritual abuse at your library.
I also think the majority here did not leave
because of the above doctrines.
Maybe a better question to ask here is why
did you leave the jw religion?
That might give you some better feedback.
OK so why did you leave. Buy I still need to be able to know where they are coming from on the issues to.
Well, I am a Catholic and I have invited them in basicly because they seemed like really nive girls and I have heard a lot about their beliefs being way out there.
Welcome ruffian. Yes, they are "out there" - as are many others. Try to make them understand why an old fart with a stupid hat is so important for us humans :) LOL.
Yakki Da
"The only difference between God and Adolf Hitler is that God is more proficient at genocide."
Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses: