In Salem, Alabama a Kingdom Hall and a Methodist Church were targets of vandals. Satanic graffiti were scribbled on the walls. Law enforcement believe the buildings were selected because of location--in remote areas. An investigation is in progress; no arrests. Anyone with info asked to come forward.
Kingdom Hall Vandalized
by Kenneson 10 Replies latest jw friends
It wasn't me..
So does that mean, since the Methodist Church was "persecuted" too, that they are also The Truth??
Love, Scully
lol @ Scully, good point!
The perpotrators were probably just going after the KH but decided to cover their tracks by attacking the Methodist church as well. I wouldn't think a KH would be that fun to vandalize, no windows, etc.
wasnt jehovah's spirit guarding the KH???
Was the graffiti...Hell no we won't go!
fleaman uk
I dont care if it was a Church and Kingdom Hall...only braindead morons vandalize anything.
Might have been some bored kids???? If so, they need to find another form of recreation.
Bah boring article I was hoping for pictures.
I think they blow things out of proportion for being such a target. I know here other churches get windows smashed and such but there isnt such a hew and cry about being persecuted. The KH here has been egged on halloween and had litter strewn around etc but nothing really large scale.