J.W.'s just don't seem to be as strict anymore, what happened?

by Atilla 12 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Atilla

    Well, nothing has happened yet? Let me explain. I have been inactive for about 3 years now, I just walked away. I was quiet at first but as I began to find out more and more about the deceptions of the WT, I have been more and more vocal in my viewpoints to my parents and former JW friends.

    This past month has been very busy for me. I decided that for me to move on and not feel so bitter, that I would express some of my new beliefs. I started by calling writing a letter to my parents gently asking for a explanation of certain JW beliefs along with why the WT was an official NGO with the UN. They haven't gotten back yet, but are working on a response so they say.

    Secondly, I called up the missionary pioneer couple that converted my parents and were there when I was born. They happened to be back in the U.S. visiting from their current assignment, Grenada. I had a few choice words with them and gave them a lot to think about such as your actions, i.e. conversions can have negative side affects on those you converted for years to come.

    Thirdly, I approached I car full of dubs who were preaching on my street and presented the UN info. to which they said the UN was lying. However, I did get even by handing out some info. about JW child abuse to the return visit they had on my street. That's right, had, not any more.

    Lastly, just two weeks ago, I called back on a former Bethelite who used to go to my KH and who I used to pioneer with on a daily basis. About a year ago, he showed up at my door, I wasn't home, and talked to wife. His intent, to encourage me to go back to the meetings. How dare he try to reconvert me? I know all the games he knows, how pathetic. So, I tracked him down, he and his wife currently work as care takers of the local Assembly Hall, and gave him a few choice words of why I don't need his help.

    Well, I basically did all the above in the last month and it felt really good. It has helped me so much. So far, nothing has happened. I guess, no one cares or maybe the elders in my area just don't know how to proceed. I'm kinda disappointed in a way, I thought they would be better sports. I'm sure a special note has been put by my old publisher card but as this point, no one has even tried to challenge me. This is good, I'm no longer tip toeing around my parents and former JW friends. Everyone knows how I stand, yet they can't conveniently pigeon hole me into a category such as DF'd or DA'd. I'm lovin it. Any similar experiences out there or perhaps they will come after me next month. Who knows, but I'm movin on.

  • FairMind

    Attilla, give it time, something will most likely happen. Your actions involved quite a number of different individuals who, logistically speaking are not connected. Once the elders in your local congregation or the Society gets wind of your behavior they will take action. They do not want you sharing your ill feelings toward them with anyone as this is damaging to the organization. If nothing happens, then my advice would be to zip it and not force the issue. Like they say, "discretion is the better part of valor". If you have loving feelings toward anyone (parents, etc.) still connected with JWs, forcing confrontation will wind up hurting you much more than it hurts the organization. I'm not saying your feelings are wrong, what I am suggesting is don't cut off your nose to spite your face.


  • Elsewhere
    I'm no longer tip toeing around my parents and former JW friends. Everyone knows how I stand

    Feels good doesn't it!

    -Elsewhere, of the speaks my mind too class

  • Mysterious

    I have heard experiences of them leaving people alone not to make waves if they think it might push their family members out and when it is clear that no one in the community really views that person as associated with the congregation.

  • garybuss

    In my experience, if I go on the offensive, they run and they lie and they deny but they don't defend in any rational way and their final reply has been to shun me and my family (which is what I want). Their only defence for their un-defendable actions has been denial, which is not really a defense, it's an avoidance.

    Their most common lie to me has been, "I'll do some research on that and get back to you!". Hahahaha Yeah! Right!

  • Undaunted Danny
  • zion sleeping
    zion sleeping

    As the friend said "just give it time" sooner or later there will be a pack of wolfs @ your door for a D.A letter or else.

  • thisisme

    Personally, I think what you did wasnt right. I have been a jw for 22 years with the last couple years being inactive yet I still have no hard feelings at all toward the organization. Do you even know the story behind the organization being part of the U.N.??? I dont think you do. I'm also out there looking for the truth but thats just plain wrong to confront them with half witted knowledge and having "a few choice words". thats just my opinion, no harm intended.

  • Nosferatu
    Their most common lie to me has been, "I'll do some research on that and get back to you!". Hahahaha Yeah! Right!

    Gary, that is so true! I've dealt with a JW last year, and I've loaded him down with a lot of research. He hasn't gotten back to me yet, and probably won't. My mother gave him my new phone number, and he hasn't called once.

    After I move into my new house (which is in my cong's territory), I'll probably recieve a couple of calls as I did last time I lived in the territory. I know my mother gives them the address. I'll be ready for them.

    They have trouble ignoring me since I've never been baptized (and thus was never DFed).

  • funkyderek
    thats just plain wrong to confront them with half witted knowledge and having "a few choice words".

    Yeah, wouldn't want to do that. Might make yourself look like a clueless idiot.

    Do you even know the story behind the organization being part of the U.N.???

    Do you? Because the Watchtower's story differs significantly from the UN's. Maybe you could clear up who's telling the truth.

    Welcome to the board.

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