Oh man, there are lots of people who contributed to me waking up...
JJ, an ex-bethelite/pioneer/all around nice Dub who told me I needed to think about being less judgmental and more kind to others. (He didn't follow his own advice btw when I needed a little help, but it was good advice so I kept it. )
"Quin" Cabalquinto, who I've mentioned before. He was an agnostic with an intense bible background that I dated for awhile during my "weak" period. His main question to me was not about doctrine, it was "you let a religious organization tell you you cannot talk to your BEST FRIEND???" He also introduced me to the idea of circular reasoning, and "proving" things by using something else that hasn't been proven.
All the people I worked with in the restaurant business who liked me because they liked me, unlike my "dear brothers" at the KH who wouldn't give me the time of day until I exceeded the national average.
hmmm... fast forward, skip, skip, thank you thank you.
A bible study of one of our congregation elders. They asked a hard and pertinent (not impertinent--lol) question about God and the warring Israelites. I couldn't answer it, the dumbass elder couldn't answer it. When I asked for help with the question, he refused to help, told me that it would be my own "personal study project," and he was "expecting a report back." I asked my super-dub Dad, and super-dub Brother---no answer. Researched, no answer. At that point I started viewing the OT concept of "Jehovah" in a whole new way--and not a particularly positive way.--This was the first actually faith-shaking (as opposed to hurt feelings) issue for me.
THEN, I have to give credit to my hubby. He used some of Hassan's techniques on me I think. (Thanks too Hassan.) He fed me little bitty "did you know..."s until I demanded to see for myself.
Finally, I have to give myself a little credit, because I actually used those grey cells for something other than parrotting the literature. 2+2 does NOT = 5, and I FINALLY SAW IT!!! Yay me!
good subject Nos.