I just wanted to share something with you that i believe is very important. 2 Tim 3:16 states: All scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work. Now we are told that in every thing we do, every day of our lives we can turn to Gods Word to help us, to equip us, to FEED us for every good work. The Bible is inspired, thats why it is called Gods Word, It is even alive (Hebrews 4:12). This being said, one might say that the Bible is the only "faithful slave" around these days. Virtually unpolluted since the day it was first written down.Men have put their different spin on its contents which is why we have different "religions" based on its contents. But the contents haven't changed. The "living" Bible has remained faithful. This Bible as we know it was not compiled at the time that it was written but we have it now, during the time of the end. Virtually unchanged. How faithful is that? This Bible has also discretely made it into just about every house on the planet. Also what is more discrete than a book set on a table? Nothing out of the ordinary there. Have you got a problem in life that causes you to ask what are God's views on the subject, lets just see what food he can dispense today. Look a banquet of council, all in this discrete little book.
reason on this....
by myelaine 46 Replies latest jw friends
I believe that the Bible is the faithful and discrete slave, you don't have to, but....
in Revelation Jesus calls himself the faithful witness (rev 1:5). When we meet Him He will ask, "Who do you say I AM?" You could answer Jesus, the faithful witness, God, the Messiah, the list of names goes on and on. Why do you say I am He? Who told you this? You have to have a reason why you think he is what you say he is right? Who told you? Why do you believe that I am he? The living Word of God told you who he is and because you got to know him through the pages of the Bible You have a reason to believe he is who he says he is, right? Who is the Faithful and discrete slave that "after all these years" bares witness to the fact that I am He that you say I am?
Answer my last question, who is the faithful and discrete slave, there is only one answer.
love michelle -
Also of special note is Johns declaration that Jesus is also called The Word (of God)
I belive John was referring to Jesus being "the word". Not just a word of God.
1:1 - [In Context|Original Greek]
- In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Thanks for your thoughts on "who is the faithful and discrete slave." I'm not sure if you wanted people to give their opinions or not, but here goes, anyway.
To be honest, my opinion may be a little tarnished due to the fact that the formative years of my life were spent believing only ONE theory on that question.... only to determine, (for myself) that that theory was far less than an accurate or fair interpretation.
Therefore, I tend to feel that any single interpretation of the FDS is likely false. I think we tend to make it what we want it to be. If your theory makes you feel comfortable, without it interfering with other peoples' freedom, then you go girl!!!!!
I personally feel that the Bible is nothing more than a bunch of writings from fairly wise men, (not directly inspired by God but perhaps more siritually enlightened than the "average" human) and that those thoughts CAN help us in finding happiness and peace in life. The problem is that the EXACT opposite can happen as well. Those same writings have been interpreted to incite people to wars and hatred....... the words didn't change, necessarily..... just the people who were interpreting them.
Grog, that's right, and that's why The Word could be appointed over all His belongings.Matthew 24:47
Virtually unpolluted since the day it was first written down.
I beg to differ. If that were the case then there wouldn't be so many different translations IMO...AND what about the much older religious texts that haven't changed in thousands of years like the Upanishads? Does the amount of time give them more credence than any other religious text? By your reasoning a religious text's validity is based on how long it has gone without being changed. Using that same reasoning one could say the bible is one of the most diluted books in history.
District Overbeer
So, if you believe The Word is the FDS, then what religion might you be.......cuz JW's believe differently.
We are xjws.....some are catholic, christian, protestant, born agains, atheists, agnostics, buddhists, wiccans, etc......
That is one of the beauties of not believing in the Org. If you want to believe in the teachings of the Bible you can . The difference is you can believe what you want to believe. Man has tampered with the Bible since the Scrolls had been written , it's context has been altered so many times to suit the writers that no one can say what the Bible really say's or what has been omitted or added.
By your reasoning a religious text's validity is based on how long it has gone without being changed.
Dear Do,
My reasoning of a a religious text's validity is actually based on how long it has been around.
Dear simplesally,
I am a Bible believing, God loving christian with no "religious" affiliation. Although I really do support the Alliance Church in their missionary position.