Recently, xlaurax asked for some good questions to ask JW's when they come to visit. The following is taken from Ray Franz's book, Crisis of Conscience, pages 330 and 331. These are very good questions and should do the job nicely.
What plain statement in Scripture could anyone, Governing Body member or anyone else, point to and say, "Here, the Bible clearly says":
1. That God has an "organization" on earth?one of the kind here at issue? and uses a Governing Body to direct it?
Where does the Bible make such statements?2. That the heavenly hope is not open to anyone and everyone who will embrace it, that it has been replaced by an earthly hope (since 1935) and that Christ's words in connection with the emblematic bread and wine, "Do this in remembrance of me," do not apply to all persons putting faith in his ransom sacrifice?
What scriptures make such statements?3. That the "faithful and discreet slave" is a "class" composed of only certain Christians, that it cannot apply to individuals, and that it operates through a Governing Body?
Again, where does the Bible make such statements?4. That Christians are separated into two classes, with a different relation- ship to God and Christ, on the basis of an earthly or a heavenly destiny?
Where is this said?5. That the 144,000 in Revelation must be taken as a literal number and that the "great crowd" does not and cannot refer to persons serving in God's heavenly courts?
Where do we find those statements in the Bible?6. That the "last days" began in 1914, and that when the apostle Peter (at Acts 2:17) spoke of the last days as applying from Pentecost on, he did not mean the same "last days" that Paul did (at 2 Timothy 3:1)?
Where ?7. That the calendar year of 1914 was the time when Christ was first officially enthroned as King toward all the earth and that that calendar date marks the start of his parousia?
Where?8. That when the Bible at Hebrews 11:16 says that men such as Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were "reaching out for a better place, that is, one belonging to heaven," this could not possibly mean that they would have heavenly life?
Where?Not a single Society teaching here could be supported by any plain direct statement of Scripture. Every single one would require intricate explanations, complex combinations of texts and, in some cases, what amounts to mental gymnastics, in an attempt to support them. Yet these were/are used to judge people's Christianity, set forth as the basis for deciding whether persons who had poured out their lives in service to God were apostates!
Franz brings out another great point when he says, . . . the most serious aspect (is) the way an array of organizational teachings were/are used as a standard against which to evaluate plain statemens in the Bible, and that those plain statements (because they do not comform to the organizational "pattern" of interpretation) were/are depicted as distorted teachings giving evidence of "apostasy".
Hope this helps,