The Watchtower tries to say that "apostates" are in a bedarkened environment. They are looking for "true freedom" which they say does not exist. We are said to be "gnashing our teeth" and angry. Does that describe you??
Is It True That Since Leaving The JWs That You're Totally Angry & Unhappy?
by minimus 31 Replies latest jw friends
hahaha. well I guess you missed that lesson in the ministry school about being precise. Oh wait! they don't teach that one!
hmm. guess I missed it too...
Oh, btw, yes I'm quite broken up about leaving the JWs, I have a cloud of gloom and doom trailing behind me and I never EVER laugh or smile. And jokes?
godJehovah forbid. -
I am FAR better off since leaving the bOrg. Far less stress and no more depression.
I am unhappy. I was happier before. But its not because of leaving.
Its because of the butlip i got myself stuck too!
True North
I feel much, much better for being out of the JW org. And as I continue to root it and its effects out of my life, things continue to improve for me.
Unfortunately, however, even after leaving it, the org. has been a source of great unhappiness to me in the form of my hostile JW wife. (For instance, there's nothing quite like finding out that your wife has been telling your kids that you're a tool of Satan.)
stef what is a butlip
back on topic...i'm much happier now. there is nothing more stressful than living a double life. i'm so much happier now that i can be honest with myself and others.
Something i used to call my sister cuz her mouth smelled like ass!
Ok not really, but that insult would make her fume..
Her mouth smelled like an ass?????
Angry? Unhappy? What is stress? What is anxiety?<--------- what is this stuff?
Geesh..............seems I forgot how much fun I used to have worrying about all the bs.
Not anymore!