My friend was summoned to a JC. She did not go and pretty much told the elders to kiss her ass. She wants to attend the announcement which is tonight. She wants to sit right up front and wants me another friend to go with her. My mom attends this congregation and I don't want to stir the pot by participating in this but damn am I tempted. Can you imagine??
Would you attend your own DF'ing/DA announcement?
by unbeliever 50 Replies latest jw friends
No. Frick them!
Frick them!
Ohoh. Better watch that mouth, little red dot. I see that your bad association has spoiled your useful habits.
To answer the question though, no I wouldn't go. I rarely go to the hall. I don't have a problem with going on occasion if the circumstances call for it, but I don't go on my own and if I was ever DAd or DFd, I would just stay away from then on.
I could careless what they do .No i would not attend it means nothing to me.
I did not attend my DF'ing annoucement or the DA'ing announcement. Although, my morbid curiosity sometimes wishes that I could have been a fly on the wall at both meetings, just to see people's reactions, if they had any
Of course not. A waste of time that would be.
I wish I could go back and attend my DA meeting and video tape the announcement... that way I would have someone to sue.
I don't think I would. I didn't go to my "No longer an unbaptized publisher" announcement. Damn, they need to shorten that. Why don't they just say "Dispublishersized"?
Does anybody know if DF'ing announcements are still made right before the service meeting starts? I heard they changed the format at the KH 1-2 years ago for the Thursday night meeting. None of us have been since that happened. I need to be out of there by 8:30. How long does the first part of the meeting last?
Steve and I attended ours. Caused quite a stir. You can read about it here:
I say go for it. It was good closure and felt awesome to shove it in their faces. Respectfully of course.