The only way this kind of crime is going to be stopped is not suing the criminals who hide behind the law like the JW's, but rather to work on changing the law itself. The JW's say they are no part of this world but they continually hide behind the protection of it's laws.
It would be a long and tiring process but laws do get changed when and if you get a law maker behind you. Start the process in the way any new law is written and changed and eventually you may have a chance.
The Watchtower cannot fight this. Their stance about staying out of government will force them to sit on the side lines and watch, or break their own self proclaimed isolation form the world (again, UN issue) and show them to be the hypocrites and liars they are if they try to intervene in the law making process. The JW's have run and flip flopped and turned on the"new light switch" when it came to legal issues exposing their bullshit. The now "voting is a conscience issue" starting in France is a prime example of using their spineless and weak "god inspired" stance on one of their long time "set in cracked cement" doctrines.
Religion has hid behind the freedom of religion bullshit for too long. Issues like this where laws are change are usually have the bill and law named after the victim. That would bring a lot of unwanted attention to the watchtowers asinine beliefs when it comes to encouraging death to try and prove a point based on a twisted opinion and tagged as a religious doctrine.
Stop fighting the JW's when they continue to hide behind the law. Work on changing the law. A loved ones death is a good incentive to make law makers think and react.