I was just thinking about how so many were so caught up in the Dubs for so many years, and at the time we probably would have all felt that the truth and spreading the good news was our passion. So what is your passion now? What makes you tick and excites your senses and captivates you? I would have to say for myself that travel does it for me. I love seeing new lands, experiencing new ways of life and expanding my horizens. Share you passion, even if its knitting or drinking beer.
What is your passion in life?
by Samdownunder 28 Replies latest jw friends
Sounds dorky, I know, but I like to write. I know it doesn't show from my posts here, but I'm actually pretty good at it. I'd love to have something published one day.
black ghost
me too, i am a writer and hope to be published after i complete my degree which i start in 3 weeks! i would like to write for television and i also would love to be a presenter on radio or tv.i have never been so excited in my life, im frequently crying because i cant believe i have the chance to do something about the talent ive had suppressed for years!
This would be a hard one for me: I am a very passionate person about anything that is important to me. Music is a great passion. People. I like most people and it's my passion to uplift them, though at times I do the opposite. I work with people everyday in retail and my favorite part of the job is the people I help. I love art and really should get back into honing my own artistic, creative abilities.
It's a given that Andy and my children and grandsons are also intense passions for me.
Music is it for me. After I left the org, I joined the high school rock band. Actually, I think I've always held music higher than the org. The JW cult just didn't move me the same way Blue Oyster Cult did.
I think of myself as a mental gardener. I keep rooting out the weeds and the grubs that gnaw at the roots of my sanity.
All those years of learning and believing false ideas!
I have a passion for discovering something I think is wrong and changing it!
There seems to be no end to weeds!
I keep rooting out the weeds and the grubs that gnaw at the roots of my sanity.
I tried that but I wasn't any good at it. Got some tips?
Like others have said I have a lot of passions in life right now. Being free of many binds and able to take advantage of that freedom is a good thing.
Children are my first passion,Believing in them.Guiding them to believe in themselves. I think all adults that are able should protect children.
Then there are many adults in need of protection from a past that was abusive to a now that is abusive. All need compassion and kindness.
It takes a lot of us many times to learn that there are people out there who take advantage and use. Trust is an earned thing. Learning who to trust is difficult to discern.If not impossible until we learn that skill.
If I may here is a poem borrowed from a Native American Childrens program.About Culture being the great teaching tool it once was.
- Follow the good mind
- Search for your talent in life
- The creator has given everyone a talent
- Once you've recognized what it is,develop it. for it will guide you to your
- purpose in life.
- Watch for that feeling of joy in the pit of your stomach,
- usually when your involved in your talent this feeling will appear.
- Try to act on those loving thoughts you have and don't feed
- thoughts of anger,with more angry thoughts.Remember everything
- we say and do is guided by our thoughts please follow the good mind.
Frieda J.Jacques
Researching my special interests is my passion!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Working towards my goal of making a new career for myself.
I would love to work with babies, either by helping to bring them into this world or by helping them in a NICU.