To Randall Watters, Simon, and fellow JWD posters

by True North 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • True North
    True North

    To Randall Watters, Simon, and fellow JWD posters:

    I just wanted to say thanks for being here (and in Randy's case, there at

    Before discovering this site, I had been out of the JW org. for nearly 20 years. However, I did not appreciate the extent to which the org. and its effects were not out of me and my life nor the extent to which I still harbored an inaccurate understanding of it.

    I had always shied away from looking into JW topics on the Web or reading any "apostate" literature. However, in the latter part of last year some unhappy things happened that led me to start reconsidering my life and the role that the JW org. had had, and continued to have, in it. To make a not-too-long story even shorter, I Googled my way onto Randy Watters's freeminds site and from there followed a link to JWD. After lurking for a couple of months, I finally dipped my toe in the water and made my first post.

    Anyway, what I've read on this site and the freeminds site (and some others too) has been of great help to me in clarifying matters of great importance to me and my children. Good things have already come from this for us and I expect more good in the future.

    So, thanks Randy, Simon, and my fellow JWD posters for all the help. For me and my children, you've really made a difference.

    Best wishes,

    True North

  • confusedjw

    Well Simon, Randy et al. This is a keeper isn't it. What a nice thing to post True North. Not presuming to speak for them I'm sure they are thrilled that you found their sites helpful. Almost everyone here is in the same boat so be sure to stick around and help the next guy who has been out for 20 years, but still suffering.

  • recoveringjw

    What a positive, touching post. Thanks, True North, to you, for making me smile today.


  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    Randy's site is non profit and relies on donations.

    'Help today is only a mouse click away' at:

  • Simon

    Randy's site was a great help to me when I was on my way out so "thank you" Randy from me too !

  • ezekiel3


  • Dogpatch

    Wow guys (and gals), thanks a lot! Things to say like that make my life worth living each day. :-))

    True North, thank you for stepping up and joining in here!


    Randy Watters

  • Mulan

    Here, here. Randy's site put me on the path to healing.............first by directing me to H2O and then I found this board.

    Great guy, and very supportive during my cousin, Sharon's illness and ultimate death 3 years ago.

  • ballistic

    It's amazing how I've changed in 3 years.

    I still have a huge pile of stuff I printed out mainly from Randys and Kents (got through several ink cartridges) because I thought I had found all this "treasure" and it wouldn't be around forever!!!

  • HappyDad

    HappyDad wants to thank Randy and Simon also!

    Randy would not remember it but he exchanged e-mail with my daughter about 5-6 years ago. What he told her was a big help on her exit. Sorry it took a year longer for me to exit. It took a little longer for me to digest all I have learned from Randy's cite. But it all worked out. When I told my daughter I didn't want to be a JW anymore.......she told me that she considered herself out for a little over a year before. Talk about joy and happiness!

    Thanks All,

    HappyDad (Bill)

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