It doesn't take any genius, just a little DNA given talent, just like you have.
Seeds, water, and strategic vacuuming.
The links to more of my commercial work are below. I'm too lazy to shoot photos of the fine art stuff hanging on my walls. I have a lot more commercial stuff for my Hollywood and fortune 500 clients but do not have their permission to show it or even admit I did it. They can be a bit tight assed about that stuff.
More what? Naked is about as "more" as I can do.
For the life of me, I cant find the door in the sea illustration I did for you. Is it still up on your sight?
Have your tried changing the gamma setting on your computer?
There are a few male (not nude) images on the photodesign link below. Those images that I did as an example for Adidas are what inspired this series.
That's one is my favorite so far. The background is a 3D illustration you can see on one of the 3D links below. I love to play with color and light, always have. It creates a mood and does not have to be explained, only felt. That's something the modern art abstract expressionist have no clue about.
I would say you are talking about direction devices used to move ones eyes by the use of light and shadow, but with you, I know better. Beats the hell out of pictures of little dogs with huge eyes don't it?
LT, FBF, Happydad, Sheila.
Thank you for the complement.
Those leaves hanging down are actually from the trees and vines in front of my place. Remember the stream?
No, you do not come off as a prude. Just highly respected.
Here are the last links, now I need to get back to work.