The concept being alluded to in Matthew 7:13-14 is this:
"Michael turned the chariot and brought Abraham toward the east, to the first gate of heaven. And Abraham saw two ways. The first way was strait and narrow and the other broad and spacious. And he saw there two gates. One gate was broad, corresponding to the broad way, and one gate was strait, corresponding to the strait way. And outside the two gates of that place, they saw a man seated on a golden throne. And the appearance of that man was terrifying, like the Master's. And they saw many souls being driven by angels and being led through the broad gate, and they saw a few other souls and they were being brought by angels through the narrow gate....Then Abraham asked the archangel, 'My lord archangel, who is this most wondrous man, who is adorned in such glory, and sometimes he cries and wails while other times he rejoices and exults?' The incorporeal one replied, 'This is the first-formed Adam who is in such glory, and he looks at the world, since everyone has come from him. And when he sees many souls entering the strait gate, then he arises and sits on his throne rejoicing and exulting cheerfully, because this strait gate is the gate of the righteous, which leads to life, and those who enter through it come into Paradise. And when he sees many souls entering through the broad gate, then he pulls the hair of his head and casts himself on the ground crying ... for the broad gate is the gate of the sinners, which leads to destruction and to eternal punishment" (Testament of Abraham 1:1-11).
Interesting, no?