Its easy to belive what we read and accept as truth.When my wife came to the computer I left on the screen a post on what happend at bethel (Not Intentionally) ..She read It and said I dont belive It?
I would like to belive what I read on this board is 100 % true. Iam grateful for the truth on the U:N and more and more stuff that blows my mind away.And also personal stories that have had a profound effect on me.
Sadly Iam certain with-out doubt that the majority of exsperinences on this board are true because no matter how sincere a person is when you allow people to have a higher legal position in the land they live in than the law of the land they live in( No matter how bad or corrupt the society of the land we live in. And no matter how imperfect. It is still better than allowing a group of elders (No matter how well intentiond) to assume the soul role of truth and justice . This is wrong and I belive the reason this board exists.