considering that all availible evidence points to the understanding that everything we KNOW is our own mental inventions, symbols our own minds have made... maps of an implied territory, representations, not substance, how can we be sure of anything that arises in our minds at all? it seems the best we can say is that there is some stability and consistancy to some of the things we experience and some of our beliefs seems useful a lot of the time... but THE TRUTH? what can one use as a standard for THE TRUTH? mostly what people discuss as truths seem to me to be nothing more than experiences seeming to match expectations and hidden ideals. when you experience something that fits what you think should be true, you FEEL something but is a feeling a good measure of TRUTH?
the bible says the heart is wicked.... many claim to put heart above head, but I find those who do are leading with their ass.
it seems to me that THE TRUTH is what CON ARTISTS invented to help people become sheep so the shepherds could fleece and lead them to the slaughter with greater ease.... while I can obviously never be sure I am right...I do find many beliefs to be useful myths.