How long for pork?

by Stefanie 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nosferatu

    I don't eat pork chops anymore. I had too many of them when I was a child. We used to have pork chops about 3 times a week. Mother would cook them up until they had the texture of shoe leather. That shit would never fail to get stuck in my teeth. I eventually began asking mother to burn the damn things, just to give 'em a different taste.

    To this day, I hate pork chops. Give me beef any day.

  • Maverick

    Oh! This is about FOOD! From the title I was thinking it was another Logins Run kinda topic! Mav

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    Hi Stef. Yeah, my mind went somewhere else when I read the title.

    But, I do have a suggestion. Invest in one of those George Forman Grills. They are not that expensive. Pork Chops come out GREAT on those and take less than 10 min to fully cook. (Usually 7-9 min. ) We've had ours for about 3 years now and love it. The grease drains off so you don't have to worry about giving all that fat to your kids. It's also great for Burgers, Hot dogs, steaks, fish, hot sandwiches and many other foods. Trust me on this one.

  • Aaac

    Who eats meat these days? No one would starve if we all concentrated on vegetables. It takes 10 pounds of vegetables and grain to produce 1 pound of meat. And all the amount of food that is disposed of...

  • Badger


    "Cream of Mushroom Soup?" Those four words are leading to the downfall of culiary art...

    I can cook pork ribs, tho' (This is Cruzanheart's cue to post the pic of me grilling.)

  • Stefanie

    Thanks everyone!

    They were perfect! The only set back was that the stooopid a/c went out, and right after dinner we had to be rushed to another apt.. We werent able to move back in until late yesterday....


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