You will find a list of links here that will help answer some of your questions about using the forum and some of the interesting things we have done as a group.
by Lady Lee 20 Replies latest jw best-of
Lady Lee
Food at the Proper Time
and Food in Due Season are compilations of recipes from around the world submitted by some of the participants of the JW Discussion forum . Many of the contributors are ex-Jehovah's Witnesses who are not permitted to associate with family because they have either left or been expelled from the religion. When leaving the religious community, most understand that their opportunity to sit with family and friends over a table and share food will be seriously limited or non-existent. Few realized how painful this lack of connection would be.For many the JWD community has become the source of friendships, family and healing. When possible small groups have met in their local areas to enjoy the friendship, support and understanding from others who fully understand their losses. And one important activity is the sharing of food, sometimes in a local restaurant and sometimes at someone's home.
The cookbooks are another way to share this meeting together and connection to community. We have come together to share our recipes and in doing so, free ourselves from the man-made rules of the religion we once believed in. We have worked on this project with a couple of goals:
- to share fine food and friendship and
- to help support the discussion board where we meet from all over the world.
Therefore all proceeds of this book will go to help support and maintain the JWD and to help defray expenses and keep the board active and growing.
The second book Food in Due Season
is free so make sure to get yours using the link at the beginning of the post.
Lady Lee
Deleting PMs
Don't see sent pm
Getting an avatar under your name
How to use the "quote" feature
Newbies! Everything you wanted to know but were afraid to ask
Question about our passwords
Posting Images - How to... using the JWD image software
Ranking and members only
Where are you on the map? New Maps [Rest of the world]
Lady Lee
Something you agreed to when signing up for the forum is the Terms of use.
Lady Lee
Are Posters Deleted Forever?
Public debate on how the forum is run
Lady Lee
Using the chat room on JWD
You have to be a registered member to use the chatroom.
The chat room here does not work with macs - sorry but maybe in the next version.
It only works using MS Explorer - sorry but maybe that too will change with the next upgrade.
The chat has a tendency to toss people out. It isn't personal. Sometimes it tosses everyone out. Just a bug that needs fixing. You may not realize it immediately but if no new posts are coming up and it says there are people in there then try typing a few letters to see if they post. If they don't post try holding the CTRL key and REFRESH at the same time. I find that sometimes it freezes my whole browser and I have to open a new one and come back into the forum so I can get back into chat.
Sometimes the chat window will say you have left but you haven't done anything. Try posting. Another bug: sometimes you can still post. If not then reenter the chat room.
Before you enter chat you can tell if someone is in the chatroom by looking in the top left of the screen where it says IN CHAT: If there are people in the chat room their names will be listed.
If you have a problem with another poster in the chat room (or anywhere else on the board please let one of the moderators know. The moderators cannot deal with problems that they do not know about.
Follow the guidelines posted under the chat window and have a good time.
Oh and one more thing. When you leave chat make sure you click on the logoff button at the bottom of the chat window. If you simple close the browser then we all think you are sitting in there for hours and hours and hours
Lady Lee
Using PMs (Personal Messages)
This forum does have a Personal Message utility. After you are logged in you can access your personal messages by clicking on the INBOX in the top left corner of the screen. If you have messages your Inbox will be BOLD.
To send another member a Personal Message find one of their posts either on the board or through the member directory. If you are in one of their posts you can hold your cursor over their name and drop down box will give you the option of SEND MESSAGE. Click on that and type your message and then click on SEND
If you access their name through the member directory you can send a meeage to that person from the link at the bottom of the window that says SEND MESSAGE
You can also access the messages that you have sent to others by going into your INBOX. At the end of the ACTION: JUMP TO: line you will see the word SENT. Click on that to see the messages you have sent.
Sometimes it takes a while before messages appear in your sent box or before your recipient receives their message. Please be patient. The program works pretty well and is just a tad slow sometimes.
Here too if you get annoying messages from another poster that you are concerned about please contact one of the moderators. While the moderators do not have access to read your PMs they can take action if there is a breach of the guidelines on the forum by another poster.
Lady Lee
Apostate terminology
DEFINE: A Troll and A Fundy
Dub Glossary
exjw terminology
So how do you insert a posters quote?
Two Stupid Questions!
The rules of flame wars
Lady Lee
When you start a new topic it will automatically put the new thread in the last topic heading you were in.
To make sure your topic goes in the right category go to the topic section you want your thread to be in or to another thread in the same category and then click on NEW TOPIC.
Lady Lee
If you are having difficulties registering or logging on please feel free to contact the Administrator. The moderators will not be able to help you with those problems. Moderators have the title Forum Assistant under their names.
If you are having problems on the board itself the moderators can be PMed individually (one is usually enough and since they are spread out across the time zones try to PM a mod in your time zone to hopefully get the quickest response.
Please remember the Administrators and the mods have lives outside of the board. We will attend to various issues as we can. Problems that the mods cannot fix themselves (and there are a few of those) will be referred to the Administrator who actually does sleep sometimes