As you said: it only makes sense to speculate about rapid population growth if you have a much wider "genetic bottle neck" than that in the Flood story. Or, if you assume constant divine intervention.
Here is an interesting comment made by DH:
Anyway, my point is this:
::I would like to produce a spreadsheet once I get the time, to see what is possible and what is not.
Actually, I've just finished writing a computer program which can simulate population growth .
Here are the initial parameters. I'm not sure if they make sense, so if they don't make sense, and anyone is interested in modifying them just let me know, and I'll generate new results.
1) I'm starting with 3 fertile couples.
2) Average life expectancy (in terms of natural death): 99 (both men and women)
3) Average number of children per woman (their fertility period is 20-50, and the child infant rate is 0.25 - to balance the asumption that all men/women are fertile) Anyway the average number of births per woman is roughly: 5.5
4) Annual risk of accidental death or any accident resulting in loss of fertility :) (wars, diseases, anything nasty):
1 in 100.
This may seem high, but if you look at the resultant figures, it's still a rather optimistic scenario.
5) The period of time simulated is 200 years
My initial conclusion is this: whatever your simulation, the results are terribly skewed. What we can know is the maximum, minimum and the average values.
Once again, I must say, the Flood story pretends to be realistic and verifiable, but in fact it's not. BUt after all, what can you expect of a piece of religious writing written a 3000 years ago (or whenever Genesis was written)?
Below are the results of 50 simulations of population growth from 3 couples in 200 years. The minimum result with my optimistic premises is 591, and the maximum is over 12000! But that's life, if you're lucky you win in the lottery, most of the time you don't.
EDITED TO EXPLAIN: For instance the simulation with the final population of 591 after 200 years may be due to the unfortunate death of just two people at the very begining of the breeding period.
The average is: 5924.
This is still poor and urealistic statistics (the assumption is Jehovar blessed the people constantly), but better than the "explanations" provided by the WTS, which are simply ridiculous while pretending to be realistic.