What does the Watchtower Society teach about Jesus being the Mediator and Savior? Here it is in a nutshell:
1: God created Michael the Archangel (aka "The Word" and "The Master Worker" and "Wisdom") before anything else, then through Michael, God created all other things.
2: God ended Michael's life in Heaven, and transferred Michael's "spirit" or "life-force" into a perfect human body inside of Mary, a virgin Jew.
3: When this baby was born, he was named "JESUS". He did not have any of his memories from Heaven until he was baptized. He did not become "The Christ" or "The Messiah" or "The Lord" until he was baptized.
4: This Jesus died only as a "corresponding ranson" for Adam -- perfect human for perfect human -- and this enables all imperfect descendents of Adam to have their inherited non-intentional sins forgiven on the basis of Christ's ransom, as long as they remain in "good standing" with Jehovah by being active in field service and attending meetings.
5: Jesus died for all "redeemable mankind".
6: However, Jesus only extends Heavenly life, and the New Covenant, and the Kingdom of God to 144,000 select followers (from 33 C.E. through 1935 C.E.).
7: Only the 144,000 are born again -- the Great Crowd of Other Sheep are not born again.
8: Jesus is the Mediator only for the 144,000 and not for the Great Crowd of Other Sheep.
9: Jesus is the "High Priest" for the Great Crowd of Other Sheep and the 144,000.
10: In order to be saved, the Great Crowd must be closely associated and obeying the direction of the "spirit-directed Organization" of the Watchtower Society and the Governing Body of the Faithful and Discreet Slave Class.
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