Have you ever been called before one? Were you ever on one? What happened????
The Judicial Committee
by minimus 108 Replies latest jw friends
From some testimonies here and elsewhere, it seems that going thru the JC experience is one of the worst things a person can deal with. Basically, IF the committee feels bad for you and hasn't made their mind up, you might have a chance to grovel and "pove" your repentance. The Society's position is that if you are not sure that a person is truly sorry, it is best for the JC to DISFELLOWSHIP the person and let the sinner show that they were indeed repentant. Some truly sorrowful people that got df'd anyway became disheartened and discouraged and the result was that they didn't continue intially in attending meetings. This emboldened the elders even more to feel that holy spirit directed them to take disfellowshipping action and that their decision was right after all!!
It would seem that whatever decision elders take, it's always the right one.
The elders have HOLY SPIRIT. Rank and file don't.
Just a reminder, folks: sharing is optional.
Although elders are guided by holy spirit, this does not mean that they are inspired when making their decisions. They are using Biblical guidelines. But these guidelines can sometimes be ignored, therefore, ignoring the guidance of the holy spirit. This is why there is an appeal process offered by the F&DS. This is to safeguard the rights that the accused has if he/she thinks the decision is not appropiate. I have been part of an appeal committee that overturned a brother's disfellowshipping. Instead we counseled the original committee on how to handle similar cases in the future and to remember not to take cases personal as if the wrong was done to us. The brothers humbly accepted our counsel and decision.
They are using Biblical guidelines. But these guidelines can sometimes be ignored, therefore, ignoring the guidance of the holy spirit. This is why there is an appeal process offered by the F&DS. This is to safeguard the rights that the accused has if he/she thinks the decision is not appropiate.
I don't suppose...no could never happen that the appeal process would also ignore the guidance of the holy spirit ????
Oh well...There is always the third appeal process..."wait on jehovah"
I never DF'ed anyone, but pondering such experiences makes [my skin crawl/me angry], so I'm afraid you'll get no tesimony here.
~wanders off to ritually cleanse himself from negative thoughts~
I have been part of an appeal committee
Do your fellow elders know you're here?
elders are guided by holy spirit,
Evidence please? In my 20 years as a JW the only spirit I saw guiding elders came out of a bottle.
Although elders are guided by holy spirit, this does not mean that they are inspired when making their decisions.
I guess Jehovah wouldn't want to open himself up to lawsuits, good thinking.
I have been part of an appeal committee that overturned a brother's disfellowshipping.
So, I guess the brother was totally exonerated and a apology was made from the platform and he wasn't treated differently afterwards, right?