Has anyone here ever questioned whether or not they made the right decision to leave the "truth"?......I'm sure glad I'm out!
Are You SURE JWs Don't Have The Truth???
by minimus 76 Replies latest jw friends
Being out of a religion doesn' t mean we are closer to God
I think it is a natural part of the leaving process. I'm sure most of us have done the "what if's".
I know I have. My dad was the person who helped to put it into perspective for me, though. He said that if somehow they did end up being right, what is the worse that would happen? You would just die and be asleep and never wake up.
For about six years after I left, I still thought they had the truth. Then I found freeminds.org
I think anybody that still thinks in those terms is vulnerable.
You can know the truth, you can tell the truth, you can even debate the truth, but when you start thinking of "truth" as something other than a concept, you are engaging in cult-think.
Beware of any group that defines "truth" as a physical object that you can "have" or be "in." -
TD - You make a good point. I can remember thinking - "what if they're right??" Now I know those were just remnants of a phobia instilled by a cult. It's great to be free now!
BTW - If they thought they had "the Truth" they wouldn't be so afraid to be exposed to the real TRUTH via the internet or contact with DF'ed people.
Absolutely, without a doubt. PB
wheres caleb?
JWs like to believe that they have a monopoly on truth. 'Having truth' is not a possession, it is a way of life. In other words, you live truth. Claiming to have it is like bottling air.
I have debated the question of what truth is and I'm not wanting to start that here. I do believe in absolute truth but I fail to see how JWs can claim to have it with their history of excusing their cruelty or doctrinal distortions. The imperfection excuse means that we don't have to answer for our bad behavior if we are truly repentful. (Who determines whether we are or not?) Developing a more accurate understanding of scripture is called 'new light'. (This means that they don't have to admit that they were wrong.)
JWs promote their faith at the doors of strangers, they go to their Kingdom Halls, and they pray to Jehovah their God. The kind of relationship they have with Jehovah, an entity that they cannot hear, touch, or see, can be determined by how they treat each other. In my experience, they are quick to grasp thoughts and expressions, but fall short of ever really living truth.
If they do have the truth despite their actions, I would rather take my chances with Jehovah on my own. A person wanting to capitulate to fleshly men who distort Jehovah's truth, deserve the emasculation that they get.
they dont have the truth, but they do have the troof.
Beware of any group that defines "truth" as a physical object that you can "have" or be "in."
Excellent statement.