A Letter to the Elders

by AngelofMuZiC 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • AngelofMuZiC

    Dear Wonderful Board Members,

    I want to thank you all a million times for the replies you have given me. They have given me lots of insight, and I am now going to revise the letter just a little bit according to some of your suggestions. I like the idea about giving a copy to everyone in the hall. It would be really awesome if it got read aloud to the entire congregation!! I bet there'd be plenty of head bowed in shame, huh?! Anyway, thanx again guys. I hope that maybe I can reach someone's softer side with it, and maybe they'll start keeping their promises.
    My Upmost Regards,

  • hippikon

    If there is One thing elders dont like it's Being Told .

  • Defender


    Your letter is non threatening and to the point. I am sure that the Elders are going to enquire of your mom more as a result. Suggest that you break it up in smaller paragraphs.

    I tend to disagree with some of the posters in encouraging you to send a copy to everyone in the congregation. This could backfire with the Elders as well as certain members. More so, your mom might get to feel embarassed.

    Keep the letter simple and address it to the Elders only. Resort to distribution as a last measure if all else fails.

  • OlderTom

    Just a suggestion.

    I found your letter a little hard to read because it was just one BIG paragraph. Try to break it up a little into smaller paragraphs, that makes it easier to read.

    Often someone will post something which sounds interesting but I just won't read it if it is just one BIG paragraph. It is particularely hard to read on a computer screen. Maybe I have a short attention span.

  • AngelofMuZiC

    Sorry for the really long paragraph guys. I usually don't do that, but I didn't want to take up to much of the forum space. Next time, I'll paragraph, and maybe paraphrase too. Thanx for your advice.
    My Regards,

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