It's over - Russian troops stormed the building after 2 militants blew themselves up.
The news is saying the monsters took the children's clothes away when they asked for water, soaked them in water and threw the back at them and told them to suck on their clothes - so the kids who are outside are all in their pants or are naked. They refused to give them water, food, blankets and medicine when the army and negotiators asked for them to be brought in.
Yesterday I read a freed mother went back in to be with her children who were still held captive. What a brave loving woman.
200 wounded are in hospital.
The roof collapsed.
The fighting is still going on and not all of the hostages are out.
The Russian army commit atrocities against the Chechens, but the militants have shown themselves to be absolutely ruthless and cowardly - they have got attention for their cause, see how much sympathy they get now, they've surely lost their support.
I hope the survivors get the best mental health care available - especially the kids, how are these kids ever going to be able to set foot in a school again?!
Russian seige over
by glitter 11 Replies latest social current
I don't see any end to this terrorist activity. It's too bad when children are the victims.
The Russian army commit atrocities against the Chechens, but the militants have shown themselves to be absolutely ruthless and cowardly - they have got attention for their cause, see how much sympathy they get now, they've surely lost their support.
Of course the situation of the innocent children is terrible. However you have to remember that this sort of terrorism is only going to become more widespread with thee the current Russian policy in Chechnya. Many of those terrorists are women (including the recent plane bombings and the subway bombing), whose husbands and perhaps even sons were killed by Russian
monsterssoldiers.What's more many of these muslim women had been raped by Russian soldiers befoe being recruited as terrorists. For a muslim woman to be raped means sociological death.They have nothing left, nothing to los and no scruples whatsoever. Are they ruthless? Yes. Are they cowards? They're just mentally crippled. If you have been breeding monsters for several years in opression and humility, don't be surprised when they turn against you.
It's sad, but impossible to avoid.
they've surely lost their support.
Was there any support from any Western country? If you just mean sympathy - they don't count it as support.
I hope the survivors get the best mental health care available - especially the kids, how are these kids ever going to be able to set foot in a school again?!
The best mental health care availabe in this part of Russia may not be enough.
Again, I share your feelings about the plight of the children, but I'm simply saying that withouth a reasonable political solution initiated by Russia, this kind of situations will happen more frequently.
I'm not *stupid* you know - I *know* what was going on in Chechnya, I sympathize with the Chechens, I understand that fighting fire with fire only makes the situation worse - I'm not saying they should do that. But backing down to terrorism does no good - the UK *negotiated* with the IRA but the IRA don't have what they wanted.
Did these children rape the women? Did these teachers? If the militants want a fight then they should have a fair one with those who have actually wronged them. -
You missed point, which was:
Again, I share your feelings about the plight of the children, but I'm simply saying that withouth a reasonable political solution initiated by Russia, this kind of situations will happen more frequently.
Did these children rape the women? Did these teachers?
I'm not sure why you're asking me these questions -I only said terrorism hardly ever works according to the logics you suggest. Does that make you think I support these attacks in any way?
If the militants want a fight then they should have a fair one with those who have actually wronged them.
Do you seriously think it will ever work that way outside Hollywood movies? These terrorists (especially the women) haven't always been monsters. I do condemn these attacks, the Russians condem the attacks, most Chechnyas condemn this particular attack. This is a noble attitude. But such attacks will continue in Israel, Russia and all around the world where an attempt is made to obliterate an etire nation, unless the political reasons of the situations are properly recognized.
You are both arguing the same point! lol
You both agree that the Chechens were wronged, and you both agree that this crap won't end until people simply put up their weapons, which won't happen. Russia was wrong to treat the Chechens like they did, and the Chechen militants were wrong to do what they did.
I'm quite sure you both agree on these things. Rather than look for an argument, why don't you just take a step back and just think of what this post was really about, and that is the sadness that this happened to the children, and the joy that it is finally over. Come on mate, Glitter isn't the enemy.
I'm quite sure you both agree on these things. Rather than look for an argument, why don't you just take a step back and just think of what this post was really about, and that is the sadness that this happened to the children, and the joy that it is finally over.
Yes, perhaps I was too rational/practical about it. It was like one of those classical Mars/Venus situations. I focused on the possible solution whereas glitter was expressing her impressions which are in fact pretty much the same as mine. It's her thread, so I'm backing off now.
Pole the Cold Cynical Bas*#$#ard
Do what the Columbians finally did with Pablo Escobar. They underminded his support system. Track down who these terrorists were/are, bulldoze their homes, their parent's homes, their uncle's homes, their brother's homes, etc. Make their terrorist acts effect their own family.
Each to their own, Pole buddy . It's all good.
The Russian army commit atrocities against the Chechens, but the militants have shown themselves to be absolutely ruthless and cowardly - they have got attention for their cause, see how much sympathy they get now, they've surely lost their support.
I think it proves that violence begets violence and it escalates until all sense of humanity is lost.
A hard-line approach such as Russia has taken with it's terrorist DOES NOT WORK
There are lessons in this for our own leaders. The only success stories have been when people DO negotiate with terrorists and HAVE DIALOG. You can never kill them all unless you commit genocide (and then you have become worse than them) and you cannot defend against it.