Russian school children hostage ends

by Simon 43 Replies latest social current

  • DaCheech

    Was not Ireland a religious issue?

    Was not Yugoslavia a religious issue?

    Is not the Jewish/Palestinian a religious issue?

    At the root of the Russian problem you have religion. The fact is that these regions are diverse thus thinking that

    they should not be ruled by Russians in which are now viewed as "Orthodox" (look at the JW ban)

  • stillajwexelder

    The UN should ban religion then - now that would give the WTBTS a field day

  • Pole
    Was not Ireland a religious issue?

    I don't know that much about this conflict, but I guess it was as religious as political.

    Was not Yugoslavia a religious issue?

    Not really.

    Is not the Jewish/Palestinian a religious issue?

    Not really.

    At the root of the Russian problem you have religion. The fact is that these regions are diverse thus thinking that they should not be ruled by Russians in which are now viewed as "Orthodox" (look at the JW ban)

    Not true at all.

    I guess you believe too much in the simple explanations provided by some stupid Western journalists. Don't confuse the means with the ends. There are 2 real issues in all of the above conflicts:

    1) Land

    2) Independence EDITED: (In terms of language, national identity, traditions and religion)

  • DaCheech

    Sorry Pole: I think you are naive.

    No need to fight over this though.

    Nationalism is as much an evil as religiousness (mine is better than yours attitute) or (GOD will destroy you, not mine) or (w'ere the chosen ones) etc

  • Pole

    Sorry DaCheech: I think you are ignorant and what is worse you have a simplistic anti-relligious agenda.

    How's that for an argument?

    No need to fight over this though.

    Nationalism is as much an evil as religiousness (mine is better than yours attitute) or (GOD will destroy you, not mine) or (w'ere the chosen ones) etc

    Please show me my naivety and explain: How does this apply to the situation in the forme Cacausian Soviet Union republics?

  • Simon

    Most people's want some form of self-rule and have it. Even the United States is just that - a federal collection of States that rule themselves but have agreed some common rules & laws.

    The ex-USSR countries who want independence just seem to want what almost everyone has - self-rule and freedom from what they see as foreign oppression. How they are going about it is the wrong way but why they are going about it this way is perhaps because there is no dialog because of politically convenience and rewarding "hard line" attitudes by people in power elsewhere.

    Speeches saying how tough you are on other people may win votes but they will never bring peace.

  • Pole


    Most people's want some form of self-rule and have it. Even the United States is just that - a federal collection of States that rule themselves but have agreed some common rules & laws.

    That's exactly my point.

    Edited to add: What's more, if an atheist had his children killed and his wife raped and killed just because he fought for the independence of his country, then he might turn into a terrorist monster as evil as those religious fanatics.

  • DaCheech

    Pole: Show how any type of example of how atheist's have turned into suicidal terrorists?

  • czarofmischief

    Um. Stalin wasn't exactly suicidal, but he was an atheist...

    You have a good point Simon. But there is a time and a place for the violent removal of monstrous men. No nation ever survived without some kind of military.


  • Satanus

    Or, have a look at the big pic. Putin jails kordokovsky as he attempts to flee the country. Reasons? Possibly for tax evasion, attempted founding of liberal political parties in the face of putins upcoming election. Kordokovsky owns yukos, the biggest oil company in russia. Some american oil companies were getting into that company, swinging large deals that would affect the american economy.

    Kordo, is in jail, several actions are st in motion: Putin's reelection is assured, yukos assets/bank accounts are frozen, now it can't pay taxes if it wanted to. What follows is the company is in danger of breaking up, and eventually being nationalised. This hugely affects the economy, especially the american/wall street. Putin has effectively closed the door to big western business walking away w one of russia's biggest assets, nationalising it instead.

    Shortly after, two russian commercial air liners are crashed, chechans do a hostage thing, both clearly 'terrorist' actions. Connect the dots?? Do the research to see if i'm wrong. What have been the past connections of american intelligence operatives w chechan movements, let's say during and since the yugoslavian war? Follow the money, as they say.


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