Simple question, what do you do when you are feeling down and you think that there is nothing that will make this world better in the future?? We all have different kinds of problems to worry and sometimes, it can put you down.
What do you do when you're feeling down??
by Nicolas 23 Replies latest jw friends
Thoughts like that used to drive me down dark roads without the headlights on. There is nothing more scary that realizing that the road itself is black top. It was choosing to turn on the headlights that saved me. I'm not talking about any sappy feel-good thoughts. Just turning on my awareness that it was night, the road was treacherous, and I was lost.
Feel your feelings.
YOU are not your feelings. Relish the dark thoughts as a different flavor. Introduce yourself to them, get to know them. Ride the roller-coaster, but keep the bar down.
Ever seen a local drive a winding country road at night?
I don't really feel down towards the world anymore, sometimes specific individuals, but that's pretty brief and of course it only amounts to my feelings about them. So even if that happens it's more a matter of what I don't do, I just don't keep worrying about it or whatever.
I had a funny dream last night, I was with this kind of a spiritual community and they were all injecting themselves with some kind of silver to ward off some kind of vampires or whatever, and then all the sudden it turns out like that floor of the building was a trap by these vampires, although they were just going to kind of bother them somehow rather than suck their blood at that point.. There was also some obscure and presumably sarcastic comment about looking pretty, (on the part of these vampire/demon things) but naturally at that point the people in this group were kind of disturbed. So I started going around and chanting "do not believe it" and trying to get people in the group to do the same, because I knew they basically had that kind of understanding intellectually, but like most people were still given to believing or making it more real in the mind.
Well that was about it, at the end of the dream I kind of just stopped doing it because I get tired and it's not like a cheerleading kind of thing is going to do it anyway. If anything I get more tired than "down" anymore, speaking of which I'm going to go to bed now.
Simple question, what do you do when you are feeling down and you think that there is nothing that will make this world better in the future??
i always feel like that... i laugh and get on with it, i'll die one day and then it'll be over, no point being dead while i'm alive. sometimes it's harder than others to just get on with it, but i tend to just distract myself from myself in as many ways as possible.
pfff, i misread: you were asking about the world as a place getting better... it will get better, but if it doesn't, so what, we will either survive as a species, or we will die as a species, whichever it is will be the best for the planet/world.
El blanko
Got up this morning feeling really down - so did the following:
Tidied up my pad, opened the windows to let new air through and the sun shine through.
Put some uplifting music on - The Moody Blues / Candle of Life.
Drank a load of mineral water & ran a bath.
Spoke to a friend over the telephone and then had a bath afterwards and read part of a book.
.... starting to feel a lot better now and plan to get out later and walk.
Simple question, what do you do when you are feeling down and you think that there is nothing that will make this world better in the future?? We all have different kinds of problems to worry and sometimes, it can put you down.
Thinking about this can be so overwhelming. It can cause paralyzing depression. Seriously!
What helped me the most was to learn the difference between things that are totally out of my control and things that are in my control. I don't take ownership of things that are out of my control anymore. I can't do anything about other people and what they say or think or do. I only control what I do and it isn't my job to solve the world's problems. In my job, I help people, and they appreciate the help I give them. In my family, I teach my children to be good people and to show respect and courtesy to others; I help provide for my family. I think I'm doing a pretty good job. I'm doing what I can do, without having to tackle every issue that faces the whole world.
So whenever I feel down about problems I hear about, I sit down with a cup of coffee and some good music and figure out where I fit in the solution to the problems. What do I have control over, what is beyond my control. I decide how much of my resources I want to use on the things I have control over, without detriment to the rest of my life. It doesn't have to be anything, but ultimately it's my choice to make. It's a very liberating exercise. It allows me to live and look after me and my family without feeling guilty about spreading myself too thin or not doing enough for others.
Love, Scully
I come here, i have really nothing else. My sister the only family i talk to has deep mental problems ,my husband a JW has mental problems cause he is a JW . I won't lay my problems on my kids so i explode here and always feel better after the help from my friends here. This place has saved me more then once and i love them all.
drink a cup of urine??
I've had a few days like that lately.................can't really explain why.
I watched TV, ate ice cream, and cried a bit. Can't say I felt better, but it got me through the day.
It was choosing to turn on the headlights that saved me. I'm not talking about any sappy feel-good thoughts. Just turning on my awareness that it was night, the road was treacherous, and I was lost.
Feel your feelings.
YOU are not your feelings. Relish the dark thoughts as a different flavor. Introduce yourself to them, get to know them. Ride the roller-coaster, but keep the bar down.
Ezekiel, that is a wonderful way of describing how to deal with it..........been there, done that. In fact, Nicolas, it is part and parcel of our "journey" as spiritual beings having a human experience. In my generation, and particularly, my family, we children were not given the skills and permission to be "seekers". We did what our parents, our school and our society told us to do. We obeyed the rules. Then, a small group of us started rebelling, and started the "Flower Child" movement and we all know what they led to. But, if we think that our "evolution" is over, we are mistaken. Every generation is evolving and bringing valuable tools to our collective experience. So, this "point" in your life is called a "dark night of the soul". If you are like most of us here, we have either been rejected or rejected our life as a witness and this means we are now cast out of our long time protected bubble of existence. Everything familiar is gone. You are walking into the darkness, not knowing what is beyond that for you, or even if it will end. That is why we are here. To reassure you and tell you that wonderful things are ahead, thru that darkness, on the other side. New experiences, new strengths gained, new awarenesses. So, to borrow a retro phrase: "keep on truckin". It will be okay, dude!